Yes, corporations seem to have all of the rights of people (free speech, freedom of religion despite...not actually being sentient, etc.), but they don’t seem to have any of the personal responsibilities or liabilities of being a person.
Yes, corporations seem to have all of the rights of people (free speech, freedom of religion despite...not actually being sentient, etc.), but they don’t seem to have any of the personal responsibilities or liabilities of being a person.
This whole college scandal thing sort of baffles me. 1. It’s been going on basically since colleges have existed (not saying it’s right, but why are people surprised?) 2. Why is law enforcement going after them so hard, while banks can defraud their customers, corporations can actually kill people from negligence, and…
“How many Twitter followers did he have? I’l bet I have two or three times as many!”
I’m just stuck on the floor boards and building it for less.’s hundreds of years old.
I’m honestly astounded that this isn’t satire.
The coolest thing about Splinter is how they let great writers like Nick cover important often ignored topics like this.
As someone with a former park ranger sibling, I’ve heard WAY too many stories of people getting hurt doing stupid shit, and then having the gall to get mad at the park for “allowing” them to get hurt or not be rescued immediately within a few minutes.
Sounds like someone’s salty that their basic-bitch Instagram photo got called out.
I’ve driven out to Antelope Valley twice to see the Poppy Reserve, this year and last year, mostly because they genuinely are my favorite flower, and seeing them stretch for miles like they do this year is something else.
Yeah, so many atv’s, so much beer, and the yelling when an emergency vehicle doesn’t come in 5 minutes because someone is pinned beneath one or was thrown over. ATV’s are worse than trampolines, scooters and urban biking.
I learned this has become a big problem in Aruba. The rocks are an essential nesting place for many forms of aquatic life and are being constantly disrupted by this. The locals are practically begging asshole tourists to stop doing this, posting signs everywhere. But the assholes don’t care. They keep doing it to no…
As someone who works not for the Park Service but a similar gov agency, it’s been a complete and utter nightmare to deal with especially when your agency is constantly getting budget cuts and told to “do more with less”. For example where i work manages a little over 2 million acres and yet we only have 1 full time…
Sure, Jan.
Yeah, it sucks, because of course outdoor recreation and hiking are things I’d like to be able to encourage and promote. There just seems to be a lack of understanding about acceptable outdoor etiquette in America. I was lucky enough to visit Switzerland a few years back, where it seems like everyone hikes, and the…
Love the mission and passion of this person, thank you! Please do some posts to educate people on how damaging the “rock balancing” pictures are. Dont move rocks around stream beds and deserts to create a min sculpture, people: it’s damaging to the environment!
As a fellow PNW hiker, I am so proud of this guy. Popularity of hiking and the influx of thousands of people moving to this area is really damaging our forests and national parks. There are some hikes that on sunny weekends look like a literal conga line of people. Every time I see people violating LNT principles or…
“Instagram Influencer” is synonymous with human garbage.
It’s made by ColourPop, which costs a fraction of the price.
It is because you are thinking of it in terms of hard cash. Kylie does not have a billion in cash, in a vault somewhere, gathered from selling lip gloss. The company which she allegedly heads up is valued at a billion. That is if they were to sell shares today, the value of the shares would equal a billion. However,…