
I'm essentially a white man until I come across a cop.

Are we sure that's not a screenshot of Dana Carvey from Master of Disguise? It's the Turtleman costume.

I don't care about his choreography if it's being performed by Wesley Snipes. I want the Iron Monkey!

Donnie Yen better survive longer than he did in Blade 2.

Although the mishandling of The Raid team in Force Awakens doesn't inspire much hope.

He always looked like a gremlin. Maybe he finally took a shower & this is the result.

Another point goes to Johnnie To for never making films with Nic Cage or JCVD.

Drug War was amazing. The final showdown outside of the public school is one of my favorite Johnnie To action sequences of all time. And I've been a fan of the man ever since The Longest Nite.

Fuck John Woo, To is the master of bullet ballet. It saddens me to know a day will come when there is no more new Johnnie To

I've read a couple Parker novels so this definitely sounds like my bag.

Donald Westlake is so awesome his work trumps my hatred for Mel Gibson. Payback is basically Diet Parker and I still loved that watered-down shit. Although I don't adore the character enough to sit through that Jason Statham movie. Because fuck

I never read the series. Is it worth a read?

I really enjoyed Road To Perdition so I am interested in Collin's work.

And a stalker.

Michael Jace was always one of the weaker actors on the show. His character was a whiny bitch and I never found him convincing when had to act remorseful or conflicted. His violent outbursts, on the other hand, were always Oscar-caliber. I bought it 100%.

It seemed like it was child's play for him to tap into the mind

Strike Back was definitely a show that seemed appropriate for Skinemax. Then again, the action choreography and pathos elevated it about trash like Red Shoe Diaries.

Banshee, on the other hand, may be the purest action series ever created. Cinemax earned a great deal of my trust on the bedrock of these shows. I will be

I rewatched The Last Dragon a few years ago and lost my shit when I realized that Eddie Arcadian's assistant (who I always thought looked like Droopy) was William H. Macy.

It's too bad the Breakdancing Kung-Fu Fantasy genre never really took off. Fortunately we'll always have this epic saga of a mentally challenged

Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon is not a good movie. It is balls to the wall corny, grade A 80's cheese but goddamn do I get a chill down my spine every time I see Bruce Leroy finally trigger "The Glow"

I enjoy silly movies far more than prestige pictures.

So true. I found Lorne Malvo and Mason Verger equally hilarious. Billy Bob and Michael Pitt didn't chew scenery so much as they collapsed into themselves, becoming vacuums that consumed everything surrounding them.

I really enjoyed watching both actors (and Martin Freeman) absolutely revel in their evil ways.

Gimme a chocolate gllllaze.

Fargo was a wicked slice of dark comedy. I can't wait for another serving!

That sounds fantastic, ESPECIALLY exploring human cultures reacting to the appearance of mutants. Her involvement with the Shadow King would also make for some compelling scenes.

Ororo Munroe learning to navigate the hostile world of mutant-hating 1980's New York. You set it in the grimy punk culture of that era and I would totally be down for 90 minutes of that.

No world-ending menace. No major villain. Just a badass chick rocking out to music and enjoying her awesome powers instead of

S'funny how when I saw early photos of the black suit all I could think about is whether or not I had the patience to await the arrival of the classic costume.

By the end of the series I fell head over heels with the ninja suit. Didn't give a shit about the blood red number. I am all about the black suit. Not only does

I adore the enthusiasm that Goggins brings to monologues. He's my favorite hillbilly thespian, and that is coming from a huge fan of Clooney's performance in O Brother.