Savor it while it lasts. I fought long and valiantly for ‘momentarily’ but it’s now lost, lost in the shadows of illiteracy.
Savor it while it lasts. I fought long and valiantly for ‘momentarily’ but it’s now lost, lost in the shadows of illiteracy.
I know this is absolutely not shocking but jesus that polling question’s response categories are ordered to openly skew the results like crazy. But again, of course they are.
If they follow through with this I’m really interested to see what their fan base says about it because a lot of it is pure Trump loving Pennsyltucky.
The entire Steelers team today is hanging in the locker room during today’s national anthem. This is big.
Melania has no actual poise or class or patriotism. Standing quietly on the side lines while wearing $5000 frocks is not poise or class or patriotism. It is simply standing on the sidelines while wearing $5000 frocks.
The mail order bride he purchased as a trophy has to be admired. She’s the gold toilet of wives!
Melania’s popularity is 100% based on being attractive and very quiet. For trump supporters she’s the perfect woman, none of this uppity talking back and having opinions feminazi shit. Guaranteed if she somehow came out saying something the trumpers found offensive or controversial, they’d be calling her an ugly old…
Even the media can’t deny her poise, class and patriotism
PS I just figured out that the kids aren’t suddenly very excited about Aesop Rock, who is from 10 years ago and therefore I am familiar with.
“Lovecraftian” is a perfect adjective for okra. It’s fuzzy and slimy and excreted from the orifices of unimaginably evil entities older than life on Earth itself.
You take your star and you fuck right off, sir
I legit stopped inviting a friend to my place because he insists on bringing this kale salad he makes to my place every time and I feel like I have to eat it to be polite.
Spoke too soon...
She planted kale, not okra.
You take your star and you fuck right off, sir
And the corn has ears!
Haha thanks. I don’t feel cool.
She’s already the mayor of asshat town. Congrats you dumb hick! You did it!
Ha! For several confusing minutes I thought you were talking about Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz, (who for some reason I mostly associate with that cameo on Friends when he was a stoned restaurant owner) and I was trying really hard not to judge
America is, and has always been, a land of massive contradictions. Of soaring rhetoric about freedoms, of true dedication towards egalitarian ideals, of prosperity and progress; while at the same time a land where the weak are considered immoral, where the nation was founded on a violent revolution, where black people…