
Exactly where a person who has been “victimized” by a teenager should be.

He really has been a pain in the ass for a really long time. I would certainly have considered it if I was her. Even if just for ruining my friend’s life and credibility. He’s been a fucking drag for ever. He’s like an uncut pet dog that won’t stop humping everyone’s leg- even at fancy cocktail parties and business

My kids destroy all boners within a 5 mile radius.

GOOD!!!! I have been waiting to hear about this. Weiner is an asshole. One of those people who does great teary apologies and mea culpas..and then continues to do exactly what he was doing before. I am glad he is facing real world consequences.

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

Hottest of takes: Fuck that guy.

>Because Enrique Peña Nieto is a stupid person.

I assume the President’s reelection campaign is being bankrolled by the factory owners who allowed those illegal working conditions. Can’t have anyone blabbing about the laws that were broken.

“President Enrique Peña Nieto has reportedly 3,000 soldiers to help, in one case the military blocked a rescue site where a backhoe plowed through rubble where people might have still been trapped.”

Or a lassi-based culture.

Sometimes you still get meth or insanely high caffeine levels in the diet stuff. I got this workout drink through my co-worker that made me want to literally jump off the treadmill after I was done.

I think the Oscar Curse hit her pretty hard.

I remember when one of Goopina’s pieces of advice started with, “It’s easy! You can ask your personal chef to...”

Yes, we do that. And once (no lie) I went behind the bar of a coffee shop in Vancouver to make my chai myself because I was sick of weak tea with cold milk.

Immediate thought. Indians do not mess around with their tea. When I lived in India, I had Indians come up to me several times to inform me I was drinking my chai wrong (i.e., not the way typical Indians do.) It’s intense, yo.

But at least you got some cocaine or heroin with your $ sometimes. Would the random bottle of elixir either kill you or have no effect? Who could tell, but it made it exciting.

The poor woman doesn’t even need self-care. Remember when Gwyneth said her life was much harder than that of a working mom who was like a secretary or something?

I miss the Gwyneth Paltrow who was just an actress, palling around with Winona Ryder, dating Ben Affleck then marrying Chris Martin, scrounging around in her off hours in comfy clothes and no makeup, and not telling the rest of us how to live. This holier than thou, try-hard, who-me-perfect? Gwyneth is exhausting.

In old timey days the had another phrase for “wellness.” It was “snake oil” and resulted in the same phenomenon as Gwynnie’s “wellness”: money disappearing from your wallet for useless and sometimes dangerous crap. Although snake oil usually had alcohol in it so that was better.

Wonder how many times a poor woman uses the phrase “self care.” Probably too busy doing poor people stuff like working, taking care of family, etc.