
Yeah, but reasons.

I’m pretty okay with extended sizes, but god is “Fabulously Sized” condescending. I don’t think anyone was mad at plus sized, were they?

Here’s what few people will acknowledge. Apart from his rhetoric and embarrassing missteps, Trump has governed as a doctrinaire establishment Republican in almost every respect. He has stacked his Cabinet with the GOP Old guard, aggressively pursued their tax and deregulatory agenda, and loyally nominated right wing

a placebo won’t cure your cancer or cure anything. If you are better because you think you are better than you weren’t sick to begin with.

Acupuncture has no scientific method of action nor any evidence of efficacy. It is as much quackery as anything on Goop.

I do agree with you on the underlying problem of the health

Yes. They make a weak-sauce condemnation, but then line up to kiss his fat orange ass a few days later. I swear he must have some dirt on these people to have them keep falling in line. Either that or they’re blindly devoted to putting their party before country. It’s really disheartening.

She looks like she is mentally giving the finger to a slew of people who have been telling her that her opinion is wrong, and I am HERE FOR IT.

What a great answer. Is this the same pageant competition that Donald owned? Regardless, I expect he’s going to be pissed to be schooled (very gently) like that by someone he sees as nothing more than a sex object.

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

The winner gave a good response too to a question about the Paris Climate Agreement, saying it was wrong for the US to have pulled out given the evidence we have about climate change.

I will vouch for the benefit of just sitting still for a bit. There was a period in my 20's where I was constantly chasing my tail working two jobs plus a bunch of little side gigs and going to college part time, and I was super stressed. I had a tooth crack and a filling fell out (two different teeth) and I had to

And this is where you read about the for-profit cancer centers. Who hand pick their patients so they can claim good odds and then deny those they don’t save with their made up promises.

There are definitely some benefits to non-traditional treatments. The benefits of meditation are pretty well known and I’ll give a personal nod to acupuncture in terms of helping with my anxiety - primarily by forcing me to relax for at least 45 minutes. Practices that focus on nutritional changes and exercise can

I semi agree, but I don’t think of these placebos as benignly as you do. I very much agree that affordable health care reduces people turning to alternative methods. What you have suggested will help, and help a lot, but there are some things modern medicine cannot cure and in that space lives the huckster. There

A great point I had not previously considered, jinni. It’s despairing how few people believe that healthcare is/should be a basic human right.

Judging by what her left hand is doing, she’s thinking “all this gloop has stuck my knickers to my inner labia.”

I’m not too concerned with it. The first reason is that the placebo effect is real: so if people want to believe that some pretty stickers are lessening their anxiety and they have the cash, let them at it.

(God forgive me; I couldn’t help myself)

She has a jade egg in her left breast. It prevents cancer.

I don’t understand what her facial expression is trying to convey. “I’m so sexy when I’m covered in mud”, “I’m thinking deep thoughts when I’m covered in mud”, “Help me, I’m covered in mud”

The thing is, I would really, really not care about people with too much money wasting their money on fantasy treatments. But it seems these hings slowly make their way into the mainstream, and I have to have discussions with people about anti-anxiety stockers and why, NO, I don’t think they’ll fix my anxiety, and NO,