
You’ve mistaken consequent behavior for biological function.

Firstly, no.

There are much better ways of putting it like...

If anything, it’s the opposite. Women have breasts to feed babies, but it’s an evolutionary advantage for men to find women attractive and vice-versa. Add to that the sexualization of breasts over centuries to a ridiculous extent and you get to where we are today.

Yeah, I mean… She ain’t wrong. As a white dude, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a little bit racist from time to time. We all are. You either lie to yourself about it for your own benefit or admit that no one is perfect for everyone else’s benefit.

No. Just because some people find breasts attractive, that is not what they are for. Women grow breasts in order to feed children. That we as a society have sexualized a body part doesn’t change why it exists. No woman chooses to grow boobs, it just happens. You’re saying that the symptom defines the purpose. This

I hope she gets more gigs because of this. Man. “Be a face for diversity but don’t you dare fucking talk about it.” Hired for diversity, fired by them because of their racism. Wish I could find that unbelievable.

Super proud of her for telling the damn truth regardless but fucking bummed that she lost her coin. I really hope this winds up opening new and better doors for her.

This is like when my students butcher things but I can see the flawed logic that led them to the totally wrong answer. I understand how you went wrong, but I still can’t give any credit for this.

So... basically going out of their way to deliver and reinforce the message, “Yes, bro, the female body is for YOU!”

How are they ‘promoting mutual respect and understanding’ by saying girls get tits to be attractive? That’s literally promoting the sexualization and objectification of women’s bodies.

I’m genuinely surprised. Not because some idiot wrote that, but because Usborne usually has their shit together slightly more. Like guys, you really need to replace whoever looked at that and went “this is fine, and will cause no controversy whatsoever”

boys who want to know what to do about their relentless, unrepentant boners.

Not at all surprised. He is one of the main “Good ‘Ol Boys” of the MO legislature. To illustrate his mindset, I was down there for a lobby day on behalf of Medicaid expansion a couple of years ago. We pulled him off the floor because without Medicaid expansion, several hospitals and/or clinics in his district would

Many Jewish community centers offer reasonable childcare, as a place to start looking. It’s non denominational (just like the Jews never knock on your door, looking for converts). I agree...this isn’t free childcare.

I agree about the expensive babysitter. Childcare is expensive, but truly: the cheapest way to pay is money. Alienation of parental affection is abusive, and free child abuse ain’t exactly a bargain.

A friends husband convinced the kids she was useless and unable to care for herself and them. Despite the fact that she was the one doing all the cooking and cleaning while holding down a full time job.

My dad also badmouthed my mom all the time after my parents divorced. Refused to pay child support until they started to garnish his paycheck, which was just another opportunity to bad mouth my mom. As a kid though, I was completely aware of everything that was happening and knew that everything he said was a lie. Of

I too have gone on family vacations or visited family in another state. My recipe for happiness is a hotel room of my own. I enjoy family, but it all works better if I can go back to a peaceful room, take a nice bath, read, go to the hotel pool...without them. Write new family vacation memories where you have fun, and

Dude needs to find another place to live. Give him a reasonable deadline, like a month to find a place, but make it contingent on not badmouthing you to your kid. If he can’t abide by that boundary, then the sheriff puts him out.