
That was my take away from that article. If you love someone let their wardrobe be.

Thank you so much for saying this. I am so sick of people who proudly declare their ignorance of (and distaste for) children telling me how to parent.

I would star this twice if I could.

God damn it UK. Must you keep on shaming me? I never signed up to being part of Europe’s Florida.

What is wrong with people? What weird bubbles do they live that they think about other people this way and then feel entitled to berate them?

I suspect Scotland has too much at stake to start accepting foreigners right now. You never know if Brexiters are sneaking in to try and ruin their way of life.

There should be a couple of years grace. My sister in law lives and works in France. I am worried about her and her kids too.

Yeah but that’s really cold comfort those those of us who wanted to stay in the EU. The idiots and racists have taken over. I can’t blame people for wanting to leave the UK but I’m stuck here.

Can’t really blame you. Any chance you’d consider taking a few defectors?

None of this has been rational. it’s so much easier then actually dealing with the real, complicated reasons for unemployment. Avoid the hard work by waving immigration in the faces of people. I don’t know who they’ll blame when all their problems aren’t magically solved.

People who blame immigration for their problems never get what they want because they are scapegoating.

I am ashamed. Right now the deluded colonialists are making our decisions and I am worried about what that means for my kids.

Can we all secede and start again?

I’m devastated and really embarrassed to be British right now. How dare Farage talk about ‘decent’ people when what he means is racists.