
I get that, working with cultural preservation at a municipality. But with this car, I believe its value is exactly that no one in their right mind would preserve it. This item goes to show how everyday machines used to look. Today, in my neck of the woods, families zoom about in Teslas, e trons and I Paces - the fact

Clearly, the “author” is short on Tesla. For this being a mile long *test* tunnel built for under $10M in under two years, this is a fine achievement. Emphasis on it being a mile long. How does one expect acceleration to and deceleration from 100-150 mph in such a short distance? Does the “author” want to die on

It really is difficult to describe just...

Can be found all day under 50k, coupes, convertibles you name it. 

I disagree with this. Irregardless, I honor your decision.

Bros before backhoes.

doubles the mileage to 10,000 km

Cashiers at these places never make enough money to actually shop at them, so when they see someone like the woman here shopping there, they can’t stand it for some reason *wink wink nudge nudge*

And shocking no one, the Pats fan pretends to be the victim.

The fact you believe any NFL players deserves to be cheap-shotted because another person missed the call is..........

‘I think the real issue is why they broke that statue...”

How in the world is there “romance” in a lifestyle without indoor plumbing?

As a member of at least one Land Cruiser FB group where he posted (Toyota 80 Series USA - I can assure you he was not treated like a scammer by the members. Rather people offered to start a GoFundMe, to pick hip up, to lend him money for gas, to help him KEEP his LC

I know a few nomads, including some family members who’ve been living this kind of life for some time now. I have respect for the life choice as it requires a TON of work and a lot of courage. I think you are going to get a lot of “serves him right” in the comments here but I think thats a bit harsh. This guy put it

Got the listing up on IH8Mud, that should help get him in touch with one of the many SoCal 80 buyers.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

It was pejoratively referred to as Obamacare by conservatives. It wasn’t nicknamed as such “in honor of its champion”.

It’s a huge breakthrough

This engine, IMO, is better in almost every way compared to the I6 in the LX450