
I mean, honestly, though, convenience foods are pretty fucking convenient. I know it takes me less time to put a trader joe's fucking delicious pizza in the oven (15 mins including preheating) than it does to make even something like chicken and veggies. Plus I don't have to do as many dishes. Plus that pizza is

In total agreement—just posted something similar.

Yes, thank you- preservatives and pesticides are probably not that healthy for you to be exposed to over a lifetime, but they're not likely to contribute to obesity.

Uh, convenience foods are hella important when you're working multiple jobs and trying to feed a family on your own.

I don't think you understood my point. Honestly, in a conversation about childhood obesity, organic/nonorganic shouldn't even be part of the conversation. It muddies that waters because it doesn't really affect obesity. Once we can get shit set up so people can afford (in both money and time) to eat conventional

Let's not conflate healthy food with organic food, especially in the childhood obesity discussion. Organic/non-organic really has no bearing. (And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding bitchy, but I assure you that's not the intention): If the probably-college-educated author of this piece can't

As a depressed person, "whatever" is my response to just about everything.

Then stop clicking/commenting on articles about her.

One thing that I wish would be discussed more is that not all transpeople opt to get surgery, and this intense focus on it is really pushing them out of the conversation. It makes transitioning all about "did you get that last surgery, huh, didja didja?" and less about everything else that happens to a person. It

That's what you hate? Because what gets my ire up is walking past a hundred racks of cute stuff in straight sizes to get to the ONE rack of hideous plus-size "clothes".

True sometimes tragedies just happen. This case is not an example of that. She was given three different sedatives which acted via overlapping pathways and as a result amplified the impact of each. She was also given more than she should have been even if they had been the only sedative she was given. She left alone

I know that pediatric dentists exist for a reason, and that many children do get lots of cavities. HOWEVER....this happened to my best friend:

Well, the height of colonialism was not the 1980's. It was closer to the 1880's.

HIV/AIDS is endemic in parts of Africa and different countries have vastly different success rates based on policies of education, prevention and treatment. OMG! It is almost like Africa is made up of lots of different countries with different people and practices! And AIDS is endemic in parts of Africa because of

Except where CIA agents were posing as Pakistani health workers in order to find OBL's compound. Thanks, Obama! Only, I actually mean it this time! (Perhaps, 'thanks, the United States of America' would go better here.)

I worked for a guy who was very heavily involved in the Rotary Club, and I remember they made a big deal about eradicating Polio being their main goal. Apparently they were SUPER close at one point.

No, it's not. According to the World Health Organization, Polio is only endemic to three countries: Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I love it when Americans try to correct UK English.