
Sorry I gave a crap link. Here's another link:

Here's what we need: stronger laws against trafficking and exploitation. Stronger sentences for people convicted of these crimes. For street work, stronger outreach to make sure that the women (it's mostly women and transwomen) working in it are neither of the above, and stronger support networks for them if they are.

This entire case came about because of this;

Assuming they don't pass new laws in the next year, sex work will be decriminalized, which is a lot closer to what's going on in Australia and New Zealand, and has been tremendously successful there.

Here's the thing - the only person who gets to decide if my work is degrading is me. Otherwise, you're just extrapolating based on your own personal perceptions of the work I do.

It does not help the cause when feminists tell me how deluded I or my friends must be if we actually admit to - God help us - enjoying our

It is still degrading work.

Well said. This is like when idiots talk about how much "trafficking" happens every year for the Super Bowl. Um, nope - just a lot of hookers coming to town because they will make a ton of money.

It's also worth pointing out that trafficking statistics overwhelmingly assume that migrants have no agency, and cannot consent, so if someone is a migrant and part of the sex industry, they must have been trafficked. Even if they decided to get the papers (false or not) to travel, and then made a decision to move to

Before we get to down on India, we should remember that most rapes of girls and women here go unreported and, not unlike India, the rapes that get the most attention are ones where the crimes are particularly heinous and/or the victims are from communities with some political capital. And forget about even prosecuting

You're not some truth-speaking voice for the oppression the rest of us sheeple refuse to acknowledge, just another radical incapable of dealing with complexity or criticism even from people who ultimately agree with you. Your increasing isolation and ostracizetion from feminist circles is because no one is willing to

Based on that CDC article anyone who is not the product of married, middle class, 25 years+ employed parents with only 1 or 2 siblings is at increased risk of maltreatment!

It's far too broad a statement to say age predicts child maltreatment. It seems far more likely that long-term poverty and social exclusion, poor

This is as much for the "genius-level IQ" line as everything else.

What is the point of this item? To make fun of teens? To make fun of teen parents? To make fun of people who have kids who, in general, don't have the skills or resources to care for them effectively?

God this is shitty, but what has their age got to do with it? Teen parents (especially teen mums) are already so stigmatized and looked down upon (thanks MTV), headlines like this don't help. There is no connection between being a child abusing asshat and one's age.

No, sorry. Worst parents are those who stick their penis in the anus of their toddlers, let others ram their penis in there for money and those who know about it but protect their husbands.

You're reasoning parallels that of those who oppose gay marriage: legalizing homosexuality or gay marriage will open "floodgates" where pedophiles will prey on young boys. All the evils you cited are already illegal. I agree we should go after sex offending behaviour. However, we can do so without going after people

1) Causation was just implied where there is none. I promise you that finding a wife won't make a rapist stop raping. However, a man prone to raping may be less likely to find a wife.

No, it never sounds like a good idea.

I mean, we could also go the whole comprehensive sex education route along with free contraception and family planning services. It might be better to try the less aggressive route first.

So, the dude's Perfect Woman looks like a Drag Queen, and the gal's Perfect Woman looks like she has some sort of facial dysmorphology that squishes all the features in too close? Ok then.