
The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.

Probably caused by improperly inflated tires due to the conversion of pounds per square inch to fathoms per furlong or whatever goofy measurement they have over there.

It’s ok we don’t need it

I’m no accident expert, but aren’t cars designed nowadays to crumple in the front as that FIAT did? If the car isn’t crumpling, then the drivers and passengers are absorbing the energy from the impact. Looks like the front of the FIAT just slid under the Volvo, hence why the Volvo’s bumper is fine. The seating

Expect this sort crap from the no-talent goons at FauxGear. With any luck, they will all manage to kill themselves in hilarious ways, and then Clarkson can do a special on Real Top Gear where we can watch it all in slow motion and laugh.

I think we’re all tricking ourselves into thinking it’s not a terrible show because it loosely follows some of our favorite UK TG framework (with how the “adventures” are set up). Unfortunately, it’s terrible. The guys aren’t funny and only one of them has any driving skills, so they have to purposefully handicap him

Wow, they’re still doing Top Gear USA?

XJ and most other jeep brake lines are still available from Mopar, I replaced every single brake line on my XJ with prebent lines for less than 100 bucks.

Most steel brakes lines have a corrosion-inhibitor coating on them, but if you’re like me, you may have considered going stainless for an even more permanent solution. Unfortunately, stainless steel is a harder material with two side effects: more difficult to flare, and more difficult to seal.

You had absolutely no second thoughts about posting that last photo, despite the fact that it shows you gave absolutely zero fucks about doing a half way decent job.