
I'm less concerned with them implying she's a victim of our sexist culture(when she's really a huge beneficiary of a culture that values women primarily by their looks and applies less importance to other things), and more concerned with the idea that doing nothing for a living is feminine culture and lifestyle???

Everyone likes to assert that Kardashian is "famous for being famous." But as Samantha Allen writes over at The Daily Dot, "It's not that Kardashian doesn't work; it's that her work is not recognized as legitimate within a sexist world that sees feminine culture and lifestyle as frivolous pursuits undeserving of any

David Simon, the creator of The Wire, often talks about how there are really two Americas—one economically viable and mostly white, the other economically hopeless and mostly black. In my experience, no place embodies this division more than St. Louis, where I've lived the past few years. You can drive north from a

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

I don't think it's that a lot of people are saying they're special or cooler somehow. It's just hard for a lot of people to get very upset over the death of someone they didn't know, even if they benefited from something that person did. But every once in a while they can get attached to someone they've never even met

If the people I know in the real world were more encouraging about my never having to wear pants or a bra, I would find online socializing less necessary.

Was it this or the Daily Show last night that made light of only getting candidates from known "brands"? I was half asleep.


So, if you can't take much more trauma, why would you see a TMNT with creepy looking cgi turtles, a white Shredder, and Megan fox as April? I'm worried about you, Stephy. This cycle is just going to keep repeating until you break it.

This is what happens when people become too invested in a show they watched twenty years ago.

Nah. Jonah Hill has won more Oscars than Gary Oldman or Harrison Ford. We really need a new metric by which to judge films. (All I ever look at is the rotten tomatoes rating tbh.)

Cheekbones game is strong with this one.

Conservatives' entire philosophy can basically be boiled down to four words:

Yeah, who'd have thought the face would be separate from the head? I learned something today!

I could have overlooked the debunked pseudoscience plot line for some sci-fi fun were it not for the weird racism of the secondary plot — she's being chased by evvvill scary Asian men who all want to rape and kill her, shoots a guy for not speaking English in a country where English is not the predominant language,

Michael Vick's Consequences: