
What bothers me is that insinuating that Hillary is a lesbian would be considered an insult.

Seriously, let's just stop this right now. Right now. I have had it with the constant articles about this useless, shallow woman. This is a feminist site, yes? Feminist(ish)? Let's empower our women more, and stop promoting stories about a woman who, let's be honest, has done nothing but promote a shallow and

You know, I can't help but wonder if this was actually *MEANT* to be a nice, generous deed performed by an old school Santa Claus type craftsperson who just thought they were doing something anonymous and kind for their neighbors' kids. The first neighborhood I lived in as a kid was a dead end street that offered my

here's my sex spreadsheet

And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.

I would add that another reason sportswriters enable or ignore this behavior is that our culture as a whole still treats violence toward women less seriously than other forms of violence. (Look at the current controversy over rape reportage on college campuses, for example.)

I hate to be that person, and trust me her accomplishment is absolutely amazing and worth celebrating, but she didn't complete the course. She completed the second stage of the course in the semi-finals after being one of only three women (I think) to complete the first stage. Total victory and "completing" the

What's really upsetting about this story is that it's happening at the same time as reproductive rights restrictions. So: Don't have an abortion, don't have access to birth control, but once you have that kid, child care? You're on your own.

The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.

I feel like I just read a laundry list of why she was terrible for the way women feel about themselves.

This is profound. Not only does it make me feel things I have buried deep down, but it also makes me feel stronger for some reason. Taking away real people and using the cartoon characters that I grew up with and loved it just hits home.

Dear Katherine,

Also at least a little fascinating. I've done some contract work for mobile game houses, and they make serious cash with them. I get the buzz we (collectively) get from unlocking things (gamification works!), but I don't get how we (collectively) can get lulled into spending real money on pixels that don't even do

You spent real, actual, literal, hard currency on this?

Didn't realize until right this second that I spent much of my childhood really wanting to eat that guy's head.

Almost every guy I've been in a relationship with has had more relationship needs than I do. I'm pretty independent and require my alone time to recuperate and relax. However some men I have known that are like this also use their partners needs against them, claiming the partner to be the one who is needy because she

You know what guys like even less than girls who are needy? Girls who are not needy. Seriously, I have had men comment to me before that I was much less needy than their previous girlfriends. And this was not a compliment. Ultimately, they wanted to feel needed because it made them less insecure about the

Dude here, men are just as needy they just manifest it through anger or aggression rather than talking. Usually.