
Ha! Back when this woman was first on my fb wall, because she was supposedly being attacked, I just KNEW she was horrible. I didn't want to get into it on anyone's wall, but it's nice to have it super double triple extra confirmed.

"start celebrating people who are a result of hard work, dedication and discipline."

I give this woman a JLaw Scrunchie Face of Disapproval.

I run 4x a week. Still fat. I have a resting heart rate in the high 50s and my blood pressure and cholesteral are awesome. I have thyroid disease and even with daily medication it is nearly impossible (not IMPOSSIBLE but would require 800 calories a day) to lose anything. I'm so tired of people equating thiness with

She's just the latest story that has helped me perfect my theory that Sacramento is the Florida of California.

I can't get over how deluded and uninformed some of these fitness 'professionals' are. I am not skinny. I can fit into size 12 if I suck in my stomach a little. And you know what? I'm healthy. My doctor has told me plainly that my weight isn't a concern. I am physically fit. And yet according to this woman, I'm

I think a core lack of understanding on behalf of Kang is that obesity in this country is heavily (haha) tied to socioeconomic status. Being healthy in this county is expensive. Knowing how to cook a well rounded meal and how to circuit train is something of a luxury to grow up knowing.
When you have little money and

God, I hate the focus on photoshop. You know what made me feel bad about my body? Movie stars on film, no photoshop. The "popular" girls in school, no photoshop. I feel like the focus on photoshop is just treating a symptom, not the overall problem.

I love how this is the only arena in life it's okay to be an asshole about.

I left an abuser who looked really good on paper (rich, handsome, athletic) and my mother's response was, "are you sure you can't just make it work? What are you doing that makes him so angry?"

Just look at all the lady commenters on this article basically telling this woman that should shut the fuck up.

Agree completely. Why on earth should your boss know about - or worse, have to address - how poorly you're dealing with your breakup?

I'm more bothered by the delivery and phrasing than the actual advice. Being a successful co-worker isn't just about output, it's about how you interact with your peers and contribute to the office dynamic, especially in a more collaborative environment like I've had working in law. I don't expect my peers to hide

Couldn't agree more. I, too, have never had trouble with men, so I was amazed at how many people insinuate I'd never date again after a divorce. I also enjoyed the "Don't worry, you aren't a loser because you got divorced at 31". I was like "um, I didn't think I was, but it's nice to see where you stand".