
It helped that Angel and Spike and the others were fleeing in a huge panic, while Big Doofus is standing there confused.

One thing Smallville did not learn from Buffy was the monologuing.

"…based on the title…"

See… you must not understand the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

If Snarkoleptic was serving "ratatouille" instead of the usual whole roasted rats, I can believe the kids would prefer the vegetables.

The "William Clay" scene is in an entirely different room from when they first met. We don't see every minute between them leaving the air vents room and that lobby-ish area. Hans could have easily seen it before they stopped to rest / smoke cigarettes.

I think this article was unfair to Paul Ryan.

How so ("bigger fool")?
It established that he will defend Willow with his life (given the choice). And he was clever enough to keep a shred of dignity with Willow and Buffy by pretending amnesia. (It is the same tragedy with Angel/Angelus: having a front row experience for all the horrific actions, but someone else is

To be even more pedantic, Xander wasn't part of the Flutie murder.
He was being knocked out.
("In his animal state, I'm guessing his idea of wooing doesn't involve a Yanni CD and a bottle of Chianti.")

(Hulk-Loki rag-doll scene)
"If I do nothing else the rest of my life but sit on my bum, it was worth it."

There is still time for more flashbacks.
(Or fleshbacks, in this case.)

It has been decades since I've seen Repo Man, but I've always been fond of this exchange:

Forgot about what?

Could be worse.
Imagine Superman camping, and needing to relieve himself after drinking a lot. (Probably something like this.)

That's part of what made Simonson's run so great.
He alternated arcs between modern, more-sci-fi Marvel stories (like Beta Ray Bill) with traditional Norse mythology, and made them both engaging. And then he would mix them together, like showing Naglfar (Hela's ship made of dead men's fingernails), and having Skurge

"Swimming pool, you have failed this city!"

(speaking of all kinds of wrong…)

Jokey banter between the teammates, maybe.
But I can't remember the last time any of the NCIS big dogs were flat-out wrong about something. Usually they identify the bad guy based on a gut feeling before the evidence is in, and never wrongly send someone to prison based on that gut instinct (unless it was a decade-old

Watch the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee episode with Baldwin.
Seinfeld thinks Baldwin always had great comedic ability. (And that episode is hilarious.)

Krabbe would just need the initial huge payout, then hang out in a country without US extradition.