
Must be all the Dukes of Hazzard episodes.

"It'll be easier for him to get his head up his own ass."

I like that, no matter how awesome Gerard was, he could still be as full of shit as anyone else. (Unlike most TV procedurals, like the NCIS spawn).

Then you get something like In the Line of Fire, where despite how elaborate and well-crafted the disguises are, I still feel like yelling "John Malkovich is RIGHT THERE!"

But that also brings it back to Star Trek, since AK played a Romulan admiral.

I like Shanghai Knights, almost exclusively for the Chan-choreographed Buster Keaton-inspired action sequences.

Its weird listening to the commentaries on the Blade 2 DVD, because I would have guessed that they would work well together on the third film. They seemed to have respect for each other as actor and writer. (3 was Goyer's first time directing, right?)

I like it, despite the fact that it doesn't work.

Penelope Ann Miller in a slinky nightgown is one way to start defending it.

Pfftt… You bringing up your mysterious one-armed man.

Hmm.. According to the urban dictionary, "a Toffer generally has no talents yet is in belief that he is a young form of god."

"We are here to arrest the jewish family named Professorberg. What is your name?"
"We are the Pro… uh… Lincolnbergs?"
"Move along."

Legally change your last name to "Professorson", and make sure your kid gets tenure at a university.

I've been meaning to see that remake.
Been careful so far not to read any spoilers.

I'm surprised that some studio exec hasn't tried to change the series to have nude vampires and fetish-wear-clad (CGI) Lycans.

Menimal could use more sidekicks, though.

Right, because Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange were all considered sure bets with big name recognition?

I was hoping the Emerald City would have Vincent D'Onofrio as the Wizard, but still acting like he was the Kingpin from the Daredevil series.

I can only hope they are adapting the comic book crossover with the Punisher, followed by the one with the alien Predator.

That should be the next Home Alone movie: Kevin McCallister sets up lethal traps, as his dad enters the house dressed as Santa.