
Undocumented Alien Paterson would be slightly misleading about what this movie is about.

"Hey driver! I payed the bus fare to Tatooine. Why is the Death Star stopping at Alderaan?"
"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

Pratt & Bratt

I love this flick.
The movie is cheesy and bat-shit crazy, but in all the right ways (humorous and serious).
Somehow, it had me believing "maybe the hero really could drive that van down a busy city street".

That doesn't work.
"s" is for strike-through, like this.
You want the whole word "spoiler" between the angle brackets, like this.

After Louise got in the shuttlepod, she was asking questions in English, and got responses. They definitely understood enough to communicate, even if it wasn't complete.

I was thinking more about the bootstrapping they did for the Red-Nose (comedy) short.
(YouTube— Part 1 and Part 2)

I think you are onto something.
Ian loves the language of mathematics, and mentioned very early in the movie that the Heptapods had a great deal of difficulty with ordinary math.

They don't spell it out, but it could easily be a similar (bootstrap) case as the Chinese general. He had to give the information that would be necessary to reach that outcome. Maybe the heptapod saw that it had to give the glyph for "3000 years in the future" in order to get the desired outcome.

Or make a "MEMES KILL GORILLAS" meme.

As one person pointed out, if Feingold couldn't win in Wisconsin, why should we think that Sanders could win on a national level?

There are people who still blame the minority Democrats for not stoping the Republicans who were in power of all three branches.

Uwe Boll could be convinced to direct a fully funded movie project.

I think AMC announced "Fed on the Walking Dead" as their next spin-off series.

This article mentioned Chris Gethard, but I think I'll grab the coverage by Weiner Limpdick.

The AV Club
making inconsequential lines sound like something only a madman would say

I was hoping to find a video mix that made it look like Al Powell was shooting Urkel (including triumphant music), but no such luck.

It was.
No way it couldn't be, with that awe-inspiring music and seeing our protagonist couple get saved. I get a knot in my chest every time I watch that scene. (Yes, I'm that corny.)