
You say you want a revolution?
Well, you know, we all want to change the world.
You tell me that it's evolution.
Well, you know, we all want to change the world.

I didn't realize that some people think that the Force Awakens redeems the prequels.
I saw them as an indictment.

In the movie, her nightmare was Judgement Day: horrifying, but also impersonal.
In the pilot episode, the nightmare she had was her son dying in front of her, because of her direct failure to protect him. (And then followed by a Judgement Day bomb blast.)

I was reading Marvel comics in the early 80's, so I (vaguely) remember reading Cap when the Serpent Society was created (with the lady Diamondback).

I used Wikipedia to refresh my memory.
When the characters have been around for fifty years, I guess the snake bad guys start to pile up.

"Sidewinder, Anaconda, Black Mamba, Death Adder, Asp, Diamondback, Cottonmouth, Cobra, Bushmaster, Rattler, and Princess Python became charter members of the Serpent Society."

We have the actual historical precedent of US citizens of Japanese descent being put into internment camps shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in WWII.

Mad Max Pepe: Ass Furie Road

That's funny.
My first draft of the comment also had "at each other", before I changed it to "with".

Now I want to see the blockbuster film where the main character is an asshole who survives despite the world not caring about him.

Have Walken and Malkovich acted with each other?

Did it start with "based on real events"?
(There is a place called Chernobyl that is now deserted… good enough!)

Wadda you knowa, you Electric Sheepah!
(How did you guess that I wasn't Italian?)

That looks a lot like the lecherous Superman from Superman III.
With the recent movies making him creepy, I don't trust why he is visiting Supergirl.

Did anyone else listening to the Casablanca scene wait for Frank Drebin's voice to add, "But this is our hill. And these are our beans!"

I thought you were going to say that scene with the Ewoks, where two of them got blasted but only one of them died.

When all those people at the gate were unable to break it open, climb over it, or keep Sad Dad from waltzing through, I was reminded of the Monty Python Twit of the Year competition (trying to hurdle over a three matchbox high wall).

"Wait! How would you know that he wasn't asleep?"
"Umm… He… ah… left a note! Yeah! In the glove compartment!"
"What did it say?"
"Oh… ah… It wasn't important what the note said."

I agree with some of the commenters for that video.
Patton is going for the comedy by exaggerating, but Alexander was never angry during painting. He was a happy painter, just not over-medicated happy like Ross.