
I saw Alexander first, and much preferred his show.
Ross was so soothing it was like being smothered in your sleep by a pillow.

Darrin is a pod person! Kill it!

When I was a kid, we only had to complain about the lousy centennials!

And its inevitable spin-off, The Bad Wide

I thought that So, What Is Your Mother Up To These Days Anyway? was a spin-off of How I Met Your Mother.

Just like Friday the 13th: The Series
(pawn shop of cursed items?)

That was my experience as well. Thought she was a good host for that show: witty, playfully snarky, without crossing the line of being mean-spirited. (I'm sure some of the rejected suitors/contestants feel differently, but what did they expect from this show?)

"And when he lands, the first thing he does is choke a giant snake."

Probably stifled by the US food industry.

For some reason, I thought this article would be about Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa.

A) You moved on to an entirely different scene, instead of addressing the one we were talking about. But okay.

It has been a while since I saw the film, so I looked it up.

As long as the sisters and the cat are named Martha.
"You have a dead cat named Martha too?"

"Are you telling me to let a school bus full of kids die, to keep my identity hidden?"
"… Maybe…"

Except "awkward read" works on multiple levels, given that we find out later there is more than PTSD going on.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."

Exactly. In the TV episode, we see Khan doing a lot of reading in sick bay. Presumably the ship schematics, but with his… (Montalbahn voice) superior intellect… he could have read a lot more. Plus they were probably given a lot of reading material when the Botany Bay was dumped on the planet.

"The line has to be drawn here. This far and no further!"
- Quark, on how his bar will continue the tradition of greed

It also sets Khan on his character arc. In that scene he is broken and relatively harmless (except that he has prisoners). But the moment that he suspects he can still get power, and is given a target for his pain/rage/ego ("Ad-mir-al Kirk…"), Khan comes back to (suicidal, insane) life.

It would have been fun for someone like Dwayne Johnson to have this role.
("Of course the HUD Secretary is going to pick up the senator with one hand and smash his spine like kindling.")