
When people are under pressure, they can often revert to old familiar habits, even if they know they are bad ones. (Maybe the writing should have emphasized a little more that Ollie was panicking.)

Considering that the Flash crossed paths with Damien Darhk, this episode needed Team Arrow to meet Gorilla Grodd.

They are probably waiting to bring back the son at the end of season 5.

I thought that already happened, when Trump said the Bible was his favorite book, but then declined to provide any details on what he liked about it.*

I noticed the AV Club left a blender on the counter, if Caroline needed to "focus".

I'm curious what her arc will be for the remaining episodes, but I have the feeling the show was positioning Hogarth as being like Kilgrave, but without powers. She is manipulating her young assistant into a relationship, trying to push around her wife that she cheated on, etc. Kilgrave is a nasty fantasy villain, but

Oh, the pain… the pain…

The question is, who gets to shoot the rocket launcher at the Judge?

(camera pans around, so we can see what is written on the headstone)
Pervy Dude from the diner

"What did they tell you about your father, Thea?"
"I was told that my father, Robert Queen, was killed by the Magician. But then I found out Malcolm Merlyn was my father."
"No Luke Thea! I am your father!"

I guessing they cut out a later scene where a female cop was sent to take his statement, and he started pulling that "no means yes" bullshit on her and trying to grope her. It would be confusing to figure out which of his broken bones were caused by Thea's fist, versus a police baton.

You missed the scene where he took off his glasses.

"Mehdi's brother! You have failed this toy box!"

Now I'm glad that I didn't write that Diggle wanted to keep the door open for an extra-marital fling with Andy's "widow", which is only possible if Andy stays dead. (I wouldn't want to explain why my brain went down that road.)

I was also curious if Diggle didn't know more about the island events, or if he treated Ollie different because Diggle knew the context/reasons for his actions (but wasn't willing to learn Andy's situation).

On a subconscious level, Diggle is likely upset at himself for making moves on his brother's wife, although he had no way of knowing that Andy was alive. That's why he keeps bringing up how unforgivable it was to make the family (brother and wife) think he was dead.

Alex thought process:
- con: she is a homicidal lunatic who might torture and kill me, and make my life a misery
- pro: she is really hot

Well why the fuck didn't I just write that? - Shia LaBeouf

That was also true of the deaths at the beginning of Alien3.
Unpredictable, not necessary, and kinda crapping on parts of the previous film that people liked.