
For the people that like Scream and hated Cabin, I feel the complete opposite. I was utterly bored by Scream, neither scary nor funny, and really enjoyed Cabin.

I'll agree with this. I enjoyed Crimson Peak as a horror film, but that is in the classic mold of being creepy rather than scary. Same for reading Poe or Lovecraft.

I was appalled that the force-field death was considered "comedy". That was one of the more horrific moments in the film.

This is definitely a horror film. Monsters, dread, indifference to human suffering… REO Speedwagon in the control room seems funny, but when they are drinking champagne while someone is dying on the monitors… that's horror. Or the merman, which gets a (deliberate) laugh based on the set-up, but is still a nasty way to

I'm referring to her leap forward out of the Lazarus Jacuzzi, towards Malcolm and Nyssa. There is a pause while she is crouched down, a visual misdirect by the camera showing Malcom & Nyssa's reactions, and then Sara tries to attack Thea.

When it was clear that Diggle was going to spin to disarm the pistol behind him, I kinda wished it was like a Jackie Chan film.

That says something about the HIVE organization, that people would risk their lives with a rakish murder-wizard rather than visit the HR department.

I agree that at some point, we need to hear Malcolm's insane reasoning. Don't forget this is the man who threw his daughter under the bus (target for the League of Assassins) on the small chance it would make Ollie would kill Ras.

Yup. Sara initially lunged at the people in front of her, but once Thea stepped out, she was the focus. (Unless that was an accident of the staging that we are reading too much into.)

They just need to clean out all the excessive laundry suds from the Lazarus jacuzzi, and the current Pit will be good as new.

For the resurrection, from Sara's reaction the writers remembered that Malcolm was responsible but didn't shoot the arrow. "Malcolm doesn't kill people, Malcolm-manipulated Thea kills people."

Full House either needs to be revived by AMC ("Full House of the Walking Dead"), or it needs to be ret-conned into 1st season Arrow, when Ollie was a bit more brutal. "You have FAILED this house!" (barrage of lethal arrows)

From my understanding, the Church understood what Galileo discovered. They asked for some time to craft a face-saving statement, Galileo agreed to wait a bit, and then decided "screw them" after they left. Then the Church tried to retaliate for the (petty) slight.

Arrow: "You have failed this masturbation-fest!"

John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" pointed out how many (bizarre) local candidates were sure to win because they were running unopposed.

It doesn't help that Oliver wrote Felicity's list.
It is all women, and Oliver is "required" to watch.

(John points a shotgun at Holly)
"I can't believe it's not butter!"

Better than Edith Bunker.
"Oh Archie Thomas!"

Hire Kirk Cameron and Kevin Sorbo to do the remake.

Forget Bob Ross… Bill Alexander was the man.