
Whoops, forgot that Richter had two shows.
Thanks for pointing that out.

The scene I need to see again is when Andy is daydreaming about being a Superman, squeezing objects with his hands until they become diamonds. (I was not expecting him to use the grandma.)

I was just rewatching "Raiders" before turning on GoT.

I think the idea is that there is no one left who knows how to create Valyrian steel, and only a few with the skills to reforge one (melt it down and recast it).

PoM is my favorite Dr Who episode. But I usually fast-forward past everything between when the Doctor & Sarah enter the pyramid, and when the Eye of Horus breaks.

My college newspaper had a once-a-year joke issue.
There was an article about how 7 protest groups accidentally scheduled their meetings on the same night, and discovered it was the same people in all 7 groups. By consolidating into 1 group, they saved a lot of time and effort (although the group's name became very

Female comic creators responded to an all-male “Women In Comics” panel by holding one of their own


That and–what really pisses me off–Sansa knows she could get help, putting the candle in the window and whatnot.

"Thea, what is Nyssa doing here?"
"I let her out of the cage, she has to punish me too!"
"I am training Laurel. I will punish her first, to demonstrate, then on Thea. Then both of you should show what you have learned on me!"
(bow-chicka bow wow…)


But it was TWO pen knives!

"I am furious that you killed my sister Sara."
"I feel so guilty. You must punish me."
(cue the bow-chicka music and cut to a S-M bedroom scene…)

Harrison Grundy, born on a Monday.

But it is a little pricey to get the Mirakuru Cleansing.
And I don't think Malcom's vibrating chairs are selling too well.

"This red-hot branding iron will show your commitment to the League… Hey, stop climbing the Ladder and get back down here!"

We need the Wilson Fisk flashback, where during his travel's in Asia, a mysterious bearded man with a sword told him, "There is an art gallery in Hell's Kitchen that you should visit when you return."

That was my favorite too. One of the few episodes where there was strong emotion and stakes in the storytelling. (Kind of like ST:TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise".) A shame that they only felt they could do that in an episode with a reset button.

I understand Zack's frustration. The villains were bland, and the "threats" lame (by and large).

They had Iris as the girlfriend in the pilot episode (Paula Marshall, early in her career), but had them break up.