
If it hasn't already happened, I'm guessing there will be parodies where Oliver is wearing an oversized clown wig for the flashbacks.

I think we needed to see more stories about the army of Model XVI robots that Reed kept around the house.

I was going to write, "It should be 'An episode', not 'A episode', and what does 'An episode for sure' even mean?", but your response makes a lot more sense.

But when you are blindfolded, you have to increase the sound by +20 dB, have someone periodically spray your face with perfume and diesel fumes, and have someone else punching you during the fight scenes.

It's not her fault that he keeps clutching his chest and claiming to be short of breath every time she asks him for a favor.

"Trial of the Trickster"
Prank, played by Corinne Bohrer in her early 30's.
Trickster was definitely going to spend some time with the lady (but not for the long haul).

I remember hating it the first time I heard it (when it was airing).
Not sure how many episodes it took, but it did win me over.

That photo makes me want to Photoshop together a different picture, that uses Leighton staring forward (from this pic), and the kid looking 90 degrees to his right and 15 degrees downward.

"While you are our… guest… at House Bolton, I've decided your name is… Reek."
"No, no, it's Screech… SCreeCH."
"Talking back to your master? I'll have to… dammit, someone already cut off your balls."

All those people whining to Ollie about the assassins, and they forget that Ra's said they would obey the no kill rule if he ordered it. Seems like a lot more lives would be saved if he could just send a memo to stop the murdering.

That is going to be part of the next Superman movie.
After people complain about him snapping the necks of suspects instead of handing them into the law, Clark finds out about his father's Kryptonian projector that sends people into the Phantom Friend Zone.

I forget the politician's name, but one of them wanted the poor kids to do part-time janitorial work. (Eliminate an adult's job and subject kids to more peer ridicule, at the same time!)

(surveys the carnage aftermath)
"Addition by subtraction, bitches!"

I saw a bunch of words below your name; too much work to read.
I'll wait for someone to make a picture book that explains your post.

Damn you!
I made it this far in the comments, before "Why can't I stay?" made me weepy.

"The Body" S5, ep 16.
(Well, technically episode 15 at the conclusion, but this is the one you meant.)

Not to mention, the episodes with Connor in S5 were worth it. He wasn't just redeemed; he was interesting.

They could have used Chun for the "Doublemeat" episode the next season.

"I've heard you sing… One last job. You'e not part of the solution, Lindsey, and you never will be."