
Two thoughts about the antipathy…

Tonight on "The Bachelor":
Five women get roses, although one is a Zygon imposter.
The remaining women are asked to walk into the statue garden blindfolded.
And the sonic screwdriver comes in handy when Cybermen crash a date in the hot tub.

Even the cheese is black, made from one of Japan’s mythical “dairy wraiths” that haunt the places where milk is coagulated while in the grips of a powerful rage

I think they edited out the scene that really explained what happened to B5…

A horrible QC worker misses a rotten cherry, and ends up out of work on the street:
Bad A Bing, Bad A Bum

Great, now I'm thinking of the 1981 Excalibur movie.

"How did you betray me, Lenier? Did you arrange for political scandals that would destroy my presidency? Tell the Drakh the location of my family on Earth? Post the selfies that I made for Delenn?"

I think next season is too early, if they are setting up the twist that the it is the ultimate series villain behind everything that happened in Starling City. ("It was the Salmon Ladder all along, damn it!")

Is that a Rob Liefeld drawing?
Because that would answer your question.

What I remember was the next year, when Legion of Superheroes came out, with Superboy instead of Supergirl.

At some point, there will be a lawsuit from Cookie Monster, about how some company had a contract to pay in chocolate chip cookies, but tried to fake him out with raisin cookies.

Long time ago, was at a televised high school trivia competition, and the guy quoting the Preamble was clearly nodding his head in beat with the song. (Which got a good laugh, because pretty much everyone was doing the same thing.)

"The Korean is the most perfect creature to ever sanctify the Earth with the imprint of its foot."

If they are going to see a Sign, it should say

That first season, I thought it was a good idea to focus on the political and philosophical changes that would rip through society by having that kind of alien contact. Made it a bit different than other syndicated sci-fi shows.

SyFy Exec:
"The book is wonderful! But it needs a little spicing up…

They could have merged Twister, Sharknado, and Jaws: The Revenge… Have Helen Hunt trying to get revenge on the sharks-in-the-tornado that targeted (ate?) her family 30 years ago.

One of my favorite scenes is when Bowler is talking about retiring from manhunting to open a winery. (Curry's reading of "manhunting" and "winery" left me amused.)

"Hulk always bet on green…
then SMASH puny roulette wheel !"

The advertising should have pushed the idea that, a hundred years ago (and long before Superman), Burroughs wrote about a stranger from another planet, with extraordinary strength and the ability to leap great distances in a single bound… The twist being that the "alien" was from Earth.