
"Ah, you're right, Ed. A parachute not opening… that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine… Having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go!"

In Speed, we didn't see if that van had 8-track technology, so your complaint can be rationalized away.

Theorists get shoved out sooner. Experimentalists are chained up longer.

If Chris Evans can play Johnny Storm and Steve Rogers, then Djimon can wear different clothes to distinguish Korath from T'Challa.

I'll agree that going to an Ivy League school doesn't rule out being thick as a brick. But I do think it shifts the order of suspects, to make "poor writing choices" a more likely candidate.
(I should have said "blame the writing first".)

Keaton's Batman actually figured out how the Joker was poisoning people (combination of products, not an isolated source).

I think the problem is the movie treats these scientists as the most brilliant in everything, in the entire world. It would be more convincing if they were average (for a PhD), or outside of their field of expertise. ("Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not an engineer!")

"How can we keep her character from being electrocuted when she drops the power line into the water?… Have her strip down and stand on her clothes!"

The sad part… it was Michael Bay who told him that.

Shue went to Harvard, so I'd blame the writing (wanting to make her character a hopeless romantic).

She is obviously playing charades with the crew, miming that an invisible dome has just split her in half, with her hands on opposite sides of the wall.

The problem is that *everyone* was saying no to the Ring, in the books. (Aragorn, Gandalf, Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, etc.)

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray

I'm wondering about the alternate universe where Batman gets caught in the middle of the line.

That is probably the unspoken reason why J'onn spends all of his time on the Watchtower.

So, basically, you are saying that thousands of years of mythology teaches us that it is a bad idea to treat fan fiction as "canon".

Peacekeeper NRA:

I was replying about the backlash "when she first came out". So the SNL performance was part of the initial reaction. (I should have stated that in the previous post, that this was in addition to everything else, not sufficient in itself.)

I think the Saturday Night Live performance showed that she needed more experience to back up the hype.

Why not "Dickensian minor bossa nova" or "purple monkey dishwasher?"