
I was just thinking that I won't be visiting AVC nearly as much, now that this epic run of reviews has concluded.

I think if they went in a different direction, the Prophet ending could have worked.

The writers were going to have him die without saying anything.
Glad they listened to Biggs, and let him do the start of a bad-ass statement (that ends ambiguously).

You gotta admit, it was funny when Admiral Janeway and Captain Troi show up in that mammoth Federation BattleCruiser, and it promptly gets vaporized by cousin Galla's Marauder.

Acknowledging that it was the series finale is a big step up from the week when Zack was on vacation and DS9 was still listed on What's On Tonight.

My favorite part was when Hulk was fighting the tank.
As he is pulling the turret off, he is straddling the barrel, and ends up whacking himself in the nuts with the cannon. Then he gets *mad* and beats the bejabbers out of (what is left of) the tank.

It's like the "shake and slap the hysterical woman" scene from Airplane!

"The meat is bitter… just awful."
"It was good enough for McDonald's and Taco Bell."

Maybe it wasn't Will.
Maybe Jack has an imaginative side we hadn't seen before now.

"Sensual" was the first word that came to my mind.
Followed by passionate, unsettling, and disturbing.

A lichen can make life out of non life (rock, water, sunlight).


Garak must be in really bad shape.
He stops smiling during the Odo interrogation.

What I admire is how many moments build on events that happened in other episodes, often previous seasons. I enjoy that the writers enjoyed the references and working with each others ideas.

"You blew up your own shop!"

"You shouldn't be ruled by an alien tyrant.
You should be bossed around by a *Cardassian* tyrant.


Worf should have used reverse psychology.

But how much of that is "Six Degrees of Separation" with Sisko & Picard?