
Damar has shown a dark sense of humor in the past, but I think this is the first time he has shown a playful side (building on Garak's joke).

I agree with Zack.
Keep all the Quark character moments, but just spend less time with the rest of the ridiculous plot.

From reading Moore's comments (about him writing the line in both the movie and this episode), he took delight in having Quark channel Picard.

No, I've never been in a Turkish prison.

Failing to use birth control properly, regardless of the century, usually is a problem.

UPN Teaser Narrator: In this special cross-over with “Voyager”, the absence of Sisko, Garak, and Vic in “Elihawk’s Mad Space Nine” finale is explained.

UPN Teaser Narrator: After seven years and 174 episodes, we are proud to have the two hour series finale.

The only AoS episode that should get an "A" is the Man-Thing versus MODOK episode.

Agent Steroid "Shriveled" ManThing

D) What is your favorite color?

I still haven't seen N______ .
Every time I'm tempted, I find another review online (often with details, like the dune buggy) that makes me think that scrubbing my toilet would be a more enjoyable use of my time.

I wish Babylon 5 was on Netflix.
It has been so long since I watched the show, it's tough to contribute to this commentary. (I did purchase "Thirdspace", but as Rowan mentioned, it is off in its own pocket universe.)

Nu Trek
Because we don't want to interfere with the advancement of a delicate pre-warp civilization, unless we feel like blowin' stuff up REAL good! Yee-haw!

No but a burger from Carls Junior isn't as good as a filet mignon but doesn't mean it can't provide a lot of pleasure.

Hmm… For whatever reason, I don't notice DS9 music that much (even though I'm aware of it). It just stood out to me in this scene, where I thought everything worked: writing, personal stakes, long-term Klingon history, fight sequence, and the music.

Well, someone better spill the beans about @Rappin_Jake_Sisko:disqus to @disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus and myself within the next two weeks.

Or to Ezri, since she is still of the House of Martok.

"You have dishonored yourself and the Empire. You are not worthy to lead the Council."

A more cynical view would be that Worf heard Martok complaining about the paperwork involved the last time he was promoted, and decided to avoid it.

It helps that Gowron forced his councilors to wear the ceremonial heavily-weighted tissue-paper armor, while he gets to wear kevlar-duranium body armor.