
Yeah. You and me both. Some of these people are good friends. But how can we still be friends with people who voted for Trump? I have a friend whose teenage daughter is dying from cancer. My mom and sister died from cancer and he prayed for them. I’m not very religious but he did that for me. This person is a great

The question is fucking lazy imo. “Tell me what to do as if I don’t know? I haven’t been paying attention up till now but I promise I’ll hear you now!” People can research instead of asking whatever small group of people they’re trying to impress with their wokeness.

It can be even simpler than that: vote. Not just once every two to four years, but regularly for local elections too. Minorities by definition don’t have the numbers to vote out the racist sheriffs and DAs and congressmen and senators by themselves. It’s a bare-minimum start.

Disclaimer, I’m a white guy. I am thinking that Lord Google is a pretty good answer, because the last thing we white people need is someone to hold our hands and think about our fee-fees. A vast amount has been written, and the written word does not leave room for the “oh wait, I don’t mean you, I mean other, bad

We could start by not pulling the handle for the most blatantly racist candidate in my lifetime. Once you vote for Trump, it’s over. There is no excuse for that. You weren’t going to lose your job by not voting for Clinton. Your taxes were not going to change by voting for Trump. There was no reason to vote for Trump

I’ve started saying “Go collect your fellow white people and have a ‘Come to Jesus’ talk with them about not being overtly or covertly racist.”

I sometimes wonder if people don’t ask that question to get past on the bead for being special. It’s incredibly pretentious and only continues to maintain a dominant/subordinate relationship between white and POC. People know what to do. They just want praise for it.