
The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

Oh I’m so over people blathering on about wanting outsiders in government. I’m finishing a degree in public administration, and it makes me crazy that wide swaths of Americans think it’s beneficial to have someone in office that knows absolutely nothing about the field or profession. It’s like saying ‘GE should really

How about electing a public servant next time. You know, start with that.

Today I became pro-Juggalo; I can’t believe what this fucking administration has done to me.

I was 6 when I first saw this and I had a heart attack (undiagnosed congenital defect, but I’m still pretty sure it pushes me over the edge). So that was pretty traumatizing. But I was a kid and the wall came down and the Soviet Union dissolved and I got on with life, all thoughts of nuclear war and mutually assured

I wouldn’t trust that motherfucker to even feel the impact of the death of millions. He’d start complaining to his aides about how shitty his nuclear winter bunker was within minutes.

People used to mock President Calvin Coolidge because he never said anything.

Remember when we used to hear EBS alert and didn’t listen because we knew it was just gonna be a test?

I woke up to the AP alert about his “locked and loaded” comment and immediately wanted to crawl back into bed. Someone, anyone, for the love of God, TAKE HIS FUCKING PHONE AWAY!! I would really like to not be lead into a nuclear war because of fucking twitter. Jesus H Christ. These emotional and petulant man babies

He did state that his penis needs to be pointed toward the sun, so Maybe he does want to watch the eclipse.

if you want your penis pointing towards the sun during your eclipse escapades, she’s gonna have to be riding you, bro.

Is it weird that I ‘heard’ the ad in this guy’s voice instead?

“My looks, instincts, knowledge, and strength is 100% pure”

Are we 100% sure this isn’t Twilight fanfic?

The most confusing part to me is the nitrous oxide during climax. Sounds kind of complicated.

Well, shit. I already have plans for that day.

Why does this sound like the first bit of evidence in a serial killer trial?

fucking cat people.

If anyone is looking to get it on during the eclipse, I’m GGG.

The fact that the cities of Concord/Pleasant Hill/Martinez are in fact in California; and not Oregon, remind me of ‘’re...wearing...Lederhosen’