Melvin Melvins 3

Modern version: a true Christian helps others as long as it is tax deductible. Take that away and it will be easy to spot the fakers.

One of his own fave jokes in the 1960s was about his ex-wife getting sexually assaulted late one night and him announcing “it must not have been a very moving violation.” and of course the audience cackles along with him.

Isn’t he already in hiding overseas? No doubt his money is there too.

Perfectly said. Applies to so many things, like nationalism.

I meant that the irrational stuff you are seeing goes back to our grandparents and beyond. We grew up with chronic complaining, sarcasm, and low expectations, with a real loathing of joy and success. Puritanical influence. Anyways, hope you are also a Cubs fan! Last year was a lot of fun.

It wasn’t equivalent by any means, but don’t forget that the same fan base shit on Teddy Williams and Yaz for decades. Nothing is ever good enough.

It is generational. Goes back perhaps centuries. I can’t talk sports with my dad because of it. “Brady is over rated” he said earlier this year when they lost to KC.

I wonder if Romney will primary him. Same awful tax plan with a new face on the oligarchs kleptocracy... he might get some support from the deep state Wall Street types.

McCain fought long and hard against the MLK holiday. His end-of-life rehabilitation is a total shitwash.

Eight? They’ve been trying to destroy entitlements since the 1940s.

Is there another veteran QB who would do that? I think Ben is unique in his “just follow orders” approach.

Yep. Plus the media. It’s the same with being in a band, hence the rampant addiction problems used to escape it all.

True. They are like every English 70s rock band.

Rondo Celtics jerseys just sold out because of this comment.

More like a false flag operation by klanbabies who are well aware of the shitstorm it will cause here and other places and are sitting in their kampfy dorm rooms laughing their asses off at it all.

This is a hoax. Incredible that you are falling for it. A state full of Klan boys and you really think a Bernie Bro would do this. smdh.

I was a Sox fan living in New York during that year. You, sir, were not alone in your smugness.

OMFG I love it.

What? Please.

She was bipolar. Its a disease, not a choice. She was sexually abused for years as a child. Walk a mile in her shoes, asshole.