Melvin Melvins 3

Hey listen, who among us hasn’t punched Tom Werner?

Sadly Derek Carr stole his thunder mere hours later.

“Fuck you you’re getting an embellishment” is my new go-to phrase for parenting.

Slowly. With fire.

and where are all the high paying jobs with benefits that he promised? LOL

Even when I disagree with him, I appreciate his candor. Plus he gets points for just dealing with Al Infowars Michaels.

Thought the same thing once Carr fumbled the win away. Two great examples of greed killing a win or at least an OT chance to win.

hurrr hurrr hurrr

Same. We all have Trump Trauma and this just unlocks the pain.

“How can we monetize this?” - Team owners

Bullies frequently show remorse when (if) they grow up. Others go on to become CEOs.


*standing ovation*

Religion, in one paragraph.

yes, and mo money mo attention. People are far more obsequious to the wealthy. It snowballs.

I don’t, but most men only use it as a slur against other men.

Paid actors.

Didn’t the Trump family claim to be Swedish for decades? How ‘bout we start calling him Olaf......

So true. When they say “freedom” they mean “no regulations and no risks”.

Jealous of baseball players.