Melvin Melvins

I’ll never need viagra again.....

Best team in baseball? GONE.

“Tom Ley you Butt-Ley”

Celtics hadn’t won since 1976, but I agree.

Cubs fans have enjoyed the Blackhawks Dynasty, and before that, the Bulls. Weep not for them.

When the likes of chronic brand-killers like Kypreos deride it as “pond hockey”, you know it’s good for the game.

oh the agony of old white men on twitter

As much as I hated old man Steinbrenner, he really did want to monopolize victory at all costs. But like most narcissistic dictators he failed to cultivate leadership skills in his successors, and so the passionless team we saw last night.

Last night was the first game at Yankee Stadium in months that was more than half-full of fans. THE MARKET HAS SPOKEN

Comment of the Decade.

Had this happen many times at Skanee Stadium. A cesspool.

godawful, joyless, nitpicking shitheels.....hey leave baseball alone!

“no one bitches about him”, says the bitching bitch who then bitches like a tired old bitch who can’t even think of anything besides the same old bitch cliches you first heard when you discovered sports last year reading your Queen Bitch, Drew Magary.


and yes, barstool probably said this 48 hours ago but fuck them

My biggest issue with Gibby is when he lets a tired starter go back out for the 7th or 8th inning and they invariably give up runs. But yeah I agree he is the perfect “grumpy old veteran” to steer the ship these days.

That’s why they should’ve kicked it - Scobee is expendable but Vick is not right now, and so Vick gets exposed instead of maybe a win.

I hate to agree with fucking Simms, but the Steelers should have gone for the FG in overtime. No way Scobee misses 3 in a row. And even if he did, he is more replaceable than Vick right now, and Vick was humiliated and exposed with that terrible overthrown ball. Lose/Lose.

One unmentioned change in this article is the team management’s maturation - they historically dragged their feet with sensible decisions, like putting Revere at lead-off instead of Tulo, with getting rid of Hutchinson, etc. Seems like they are now much more flexible and proactive, and moving the bullpen order around