This is a non-story for two reasons - there is no way Mister Teeth is going to eat crow AND lose $2oo-$300M; like after two other high-cost divorces. His ego can’t take the hit. SH is still out here spinning complete BS on relationships:
This is a non-story for two reasons - there is no way Mister Teeth is going to eat crow AND lose $2oo-$300M; like after two other high-cost divorces. His ego can’t take the hit. SH is still out here spinning complete BS on relationships:
I think “#fakefriends #fakelove” added enough context for me to understand that Jamie was betrayed by someone who he thought was a friend. My mind didn’t immediately jump to “it was the Jews!”.
Right? So incredibly on brand for this scumbag.
“we all know he’s the worst but where were her PARENTS!
This. And, on top of that, in said movie she plays his character’s literal aunt.
Though I don’t condone violence...
I could think of a million other things infinitely more interesting and important than some beef between two rich Black men; especially some moldy-ass, year-old beef between two rich Black men. Given the amount of finger waving fuckery in the grays I hope this isn’t a deliberate provocation for clicks because I am not…
Same. I'm looking forward to this.
A domestic abuser’s tribute to a child molester is dropped for “unknown reasons”?
Why are people still giving this guy chances? He has massive anger problems thats led him to be verbally abusive to his mother and physically assaulting others.
If there is no risk of damage to the flute then good for her. It’s way better than Kim K’s fat ass busting out of Marilyn Monroe’s dress.
Except he doesn’t work in Modeling or fashion, he works in music. I 1000000% agree that if he had some sort of power over her career, maybe, but there is literally no indication that that’s true. He’s not a gatekeeper to her industry lol
Let’s get one thing straight: she knew exactly what she was doing. The rich celebrity holds no actual power over you in this situation. You could have blocked him and moved on, and definitely should have told his wife. She even tries blaming moving to LA lol
I can dislike both Kanye and Pete in the same sentence. I can dislike Kanye even more in the next sentence. Now, I never understood the zeitgeist’s fascination with Davidson and his alleged BDE, but I never perceived him as anything other than a lazy attempt to create another white rapper for us to roll our eyes at.…
Back in the day bank robber Willy Sutton said “Thats where the money is” when asked why he robbed banks....
I do not have any of that stuff in my house either. This is just another reason to keep it out.
How about we ignore both Azealia and Beyonce...absolutely nothing special about this release. Azealia, keep your powder dry sweetie, this ain’t worth the fight. Beyonce farts and the whole world wants to bottle and sell it. Lest we forget how she fucked up Frankie Beverly and Maze’s Before I Let Go! Hell Beyonce was…
Yep, that would be the right thing to do, instead of him continuing to make a fool out of his baldheaded self!