Yes. And I think that the male execs pulled out their sliding scale that they use for approving ads, wherein “Image of Car = + 1" but “One-second-long Image of Breastfeeding = - 15" , and the Lane Bryant commercial never had a chance.
Yes. And I think that the male execs pulled out their sliding scale that they use for approving ads, wherein “Image of Car = + 1" but “One-second-long Image of Breastfeeding = - 15" , and the Lane Bryant commercial never had a chance.
You don’t have a clue about history. There was a time when fat equaled wealth. Much of the time you describe people were often undernourished. People starved to death during the great depression. Did you ever think the people you are talking about don’t have money for extra food?
My thoughts as well. There are tits and ass all over television but this ad is deemed unacceptable? Give me a break.
Ugh. This screams of being sizeist? Is that a thing?
There are not enough ways to express how stupid this is. If this commercial is indecent, then I, as a moderately-sized woman, should simply not be allowed in public. I sometimes have cleavage showing, and I’m not skinny. INDECENT. BURN THE WITCH.
And frankly, the VS ads are borderline porn. Okay, I’m exaggerating. But seriously, how was the ad indecent?
These women are, for the most part, the size of your average woman in the US. These ad folks freaking out about these women’s bodies being shown to the same degree of nakedness as thin women are ALWAYS shown on TV is stupid as well as bigoted—viewers LIKE seeing people who look like them in ads! Showing this ad would…
Man, what the hell? It’s a gorgeous commercial that kinda accurately reflects the way people look? Cancel!