
Fighting with the Nato Nazis against the Russians for the profits of the military industrial complex. So smart. No way it goes bad giving these guys guns.

Considering that foreign volunteers have to sign a contract stating they'll stay and fight until the end of war, I imagine he did use his last name to get out of Ukraine when he was done being a "tourist" soldier 

Use a homemade rice bag to keep you warm while sitting idle or to warm up a bed.

James Corden is what happens when the sniveling little shit nerd kid doesn’t get bullied in elementary school. It’s against the natural order.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist and eugenicist who wanted to reduce the black population. Most Planned Parenthood are located in black neighborhoods. And the abortion rate for blacks is five times as high as it is for whites.

Nate Silver is a Democrat dumbass

If dems had their way, voting would be completely anonymous, and people would be allowed to cast as many votes at they want until polls close. They’d even give out baskets for harvested ballots.

You’re still fat.

Do the McDonald’s ones?

Women should put the seat down.  They’re the ones who want it down.

What a shame. Jezebel should be celebrating this woman’s success but instead women keep tearing each other down. No wonder the old saying goes bitches be crazy

Congrats on your newly gained freedom, Italy!

Yeah, nothing boosts morale during a recession like watching millionaires awarding each other medals.

Woman achieves success, Jez tears her down. The epitome of modern feminism.

I bet your kids have ALOT of allergies too... 

Establishment Democrats cared more about making themselves rich and hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein than making the lives of people better and protecting the rights of vulnerable people. This is the result. If you aren’t furious with Establishment Democrats you don’t understand politics.  

Make sure you buy movies and TV shows that are not politically correct any more. Blazing Saddles, Animal House, etc. They’ll end up on somebody’s shit list eventually and will face being banned, censored, or having warning labels slapped on them. 

yeah they seem to interview only people who were infected after multiple random hookups at a gay festival. 

The guy almost killed two children (who are black according to their mother) and now he’s being treated like a martyr. And people wonder why BLM is rapidly losing all credibility? Here’s a video of the children’s’ mother angry with the protestors.

You’re making a strawman argument that the only people who care about gas prices are upper middle class types who drive lifted Super Dutys to Burger King. Yes, of course, those people are complaining too, but millions of people have no choice but to drive every day, and they’re not rich, nor are they all driving gas