
All you need is a VIN to join PCA!

Rocket reliability is actually dramatically HIGHER now. Fifteen years ago, roughly 10% of satellite launches failed. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 (their primary rocket) has an overall reliability rate of upwards of 99%. For the development of Starship, it’s an issue of SpaceX’s methodology, which is to launch with the

Today’s inflation value is greater than the common man’s salary inflation.

Okay, since nobody involved in writing any of this decided to include actual numbers, I guess I’ll do it.

In 1990, the EPA banned the use of phosogypsum containing radium-226 concentrations above 400 bq/kg (1 Bq = 1 radioactive decay per second).

For reference, cement ALSO contains radium-226, along with potassium-40

1) If you put an alternator on a gasoline engine, you are stealing a small amount of power that the engine could have used to move the vehicle forward to power the 12V electrical devices.

Boy they sure burned a lot of calories tracking down this hero, didn’t they? Lot’s of unsolved murders on the daily, but they just had to concentrate on this guy.

The problem with the 3,Y, and S isn’t that they are old, but that they exist.

I can’t stand Elmo or his sycophants, and I believe the pay deal was insane.

At the same time, I don’t like judges overriding shareholders if those shareholders want to give their money away.

But there SHOULD be some sort of limitation. Musk and his brother evident abstained in the vote, which should be a bare minimum.

1st gear:

Absolute cr@p take. The first half of this read like an actual article, then it devolved into a junior high school blog. What nonsense.

 This asshat is lucky that someone didn't put him in the ultimate sleeper hold. Fuck his feelings. 

I’m all for compassion. I also understand the response of the passengers; after a passenger assaults a flight attendant and tries to open a door in flight? Yeah, you wanna make sure there’s no further trouble. And…vigilante? You might want to rethink that…

If his executive functioning is malfunctioning, maybe a nice beating would psychologically help the lower order parts of his brain to better understand that what he did was wrong, and he needs to change his ways as there is immediate negative feedback to his chosen actions.

I would suspect the mental health “crisis” was not mental health but drug induced.

You may not like that people are legally allowed to transport guns, but your sensationalism/confusion is misplaced. These folks did everything right and someone took advantage of what is supposed to be a safe, reliable system and stole handguns. Remember, guns aren’t the problem, bad people are.

I’m so sorry.  Isn’t that against the Geneva Convention?  At the very least, it is a war crime.

Revolving door between the Defense Dept and defense contractors continues to revolve.

Brilliant idea. Progressives loved him until he made a profit implementing their pipe dreams. Now he’s public enemy #1. If I was in his shoes, I’d pack up my toys and leave. Find someplace that doesn’t punish innovation because of envy.

Is this Jalopnik,  or Politicnik??

This may be the dumbest thing I have ever read here.