If he’s on or near the beach (or a pool), I’ll let it slide.
If he’s on or near the beach (or a pool), I’ll let it slide.
If that is your worst Christmas Morning .... then you have quite a privileged and sheltered life.
You’re likely on the right track. A signed double word (32 bits, but one bit used to indicate positive or negative) limits out at 2,147,483,648
You’d be surprised, yes, they do, they take out 96 month loans. You and I think alike, we should abolish poor people from making poor life decisions. Public transportation for them only.
Pick your battles. Late-term abortion is a loser. It must be sacrificed to save the remainder of abortion rights. Finnish moderates figured that out decades ago. That’s why they consented to a ban on abortions 20 weeks after conception.
This is why nothing ever happens, because you have no idea what the laws actually are or how they’re implemented.
I watched the trial and from what msnbc, etc reported, I was fully expecting to see a jerk causing trouble, and just killing innocent people. But after watching all of the videos, I can see self defense.
Uhm... Uh... did you WATCH the video? ‘Cause person with gun running away from person chasing him voicing clear intent (based on all the witness testimony) to do harm to person with gun who only turns around to use the gun to defend himself when it becomes clear he can’t get away is pretty much THE definition of legal…
KR was found not guilty for one reason...the prosecution did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt the things they charged him with. Be mad at LittleBinger.
The subtitle should be...How to survive the lying media and all the rubes who blindly believe the lies they are told.
So... somebody who practically ran step by step through the checklist of what you’re supposed to do to in a situation before legally resorting to using lethal force to defend yourself is found innocent because the jury decided he was legally defending himself when he resorted to using lethal force.
You know nobody involved in this is black, right? Kyle’s Hispanic and the three shot were white people. Also, none of the three were there to support BLM. One actually DID have an illegal handgun and the other one was only there because his baby mama threw him out of the house for being an abusive asshole once again,…
It’s amazing how much of a shitshow this has been from start to finish. Rittenhouse at least deserved a misdemeanor, but the prosecution was so incompetent he couldn’t even get that.
The BS was the “case” Littlebinger brought to court.
Oooo, things are gonna get very interesting now. A Jamaican woman who’s now Lt. Governor of Virginia, and whose favorite dish is ‘ackee & saltfish’ (makes me hungry).
How much of a riot can it be if a) zero fires were started and b) zero stores were looted?
Replace all of the most expensive parts of a vehicle, plus they aren’t getting those core charges back.
Gave you a star then canceled, because man, Elon is hilarious, he is a reliable source of daily dose of internet meme, never stop memeing.