
QAnon anything makes me wistful for the days of alien babies photos (highly retouched), and high placed sources within the government saying it is all true.

Stripping people of a platform just because it doesn’t align with your views is not the American way, it’s not freedom, it’s literally suppression. We need to counter argue these views, not suppress them

Twitch doesn’t want these carpetbagger racists coming in and taking views from their exclusive contracted racists, thankyouverymuch.

Re Cardi B: maybe the WAP just wants some new dick?

“marginalized people who have the most to lose” yeah electing a crime bill drafting warmonger will really help marginalized people. He’ll blow up kids in the middle east, but at least his vp is 1/4 black!

rubes. You have managed to vote for someone worse - somehow - than orange man.

Yeah, TRUMP’s base is the one we should be worried about attacking everything they don’t like (as evidenced by the myriad “peaceful protests” over the past few months)...

That video didn’t really help her sisters case , The other people were just kinda standing there and she was yelling at them.

Leftist fan fiction/terror porn is weird.

What happens if Trump wins, and he decides to pack the court? Still cool, or nah?

Joe Biden is struggling to attract broad Latinx support”

Seriously fuck this sad attempt at moralizing. No politician gets a fucking dying wish. IF this is the jugular, I pity the future of this party. 

I’m rather more amused that most Democrats only reaction to this is worrying about the vacating of RBG’s seat, but absolutely zero thought on the fact that a person just died.

Too late, we bought them all already!

And thank God, because 95% of those “liberal causes” are just fascist bullshit clothed in a thin veneer of “inclusion” and “empathy.”

I hope her replacement will be someone not from Harvard or Yale.

She should have retired during Obama’s second administration. That entire administration has effectively been erased at this point.

People who use Latinx bother me.

The spanish language is gendered.

You are not indicating offense at the nature of the way latino people self identify. You are finding offense at their language.

You are registering your offense at their language using a term that CANNOT EVEN BE PRONOUNCED IN SPANISH.

It is a weird form of

at a time when racial injustice in the United States continues to fuel the summary execution of Black people by police with impunity

It is a good first step, but he really needs to cut all funding to these Pro-Criminal socialist Democratic run cities that allow these criminal thugs to Burn. Loot, Murder. Between peaceful citizens and business leaving these Democratic cities they will be economic crime ridden hellholes like Chicago and Detroit in no

A standard salaried employee has never been able to “deduct” expenses. That is a myth from movies.