
Well the “victim” doesn’t remember a thing about it. That might be an important part.

The best way is to support a candidate that can beat Trump. There’s only one and his name is Joe Biden.

At this rate, we are in line for 4 more years of trump.

Zero of the shootings have been with automatic weapons. You don't want to argue semantics, but you also don't want to get your facts right.

lol good luck with that.  Its easy to say to appeal to the left, but he presented no ideas on how to actually achieve this. Will never happen. All thats gonna happen now are AR-15 sales will skyrocket.  good job

“Also, Beto, please run for Senate.”

He will never win anything in Texas ever again after that shit he pooped out of his mouth.

Keep in mind that the current administration is “republican” in name only.

Thankfully, beta will never be anywhere close to the oval office. 

Taking guns back was never a talking point until the wackadoodle right invented it as a scare tactic. It became so effective that they got a Democrat to finally bite the 4th rail. Oof. Dems are always being played like fiddles 

Author’s response: HOW DARE YOU!

What do you expect from someone who supports keeping people in prison so they can be used as slave labor? Harris is at best a Republican and at worst just a terrible person.

The two once publicly-traded private companies were placed into conservatorship and put under government control by the Bush administration

Shouldn’t the headline of the article read, “Track the fires on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest, most of which occur on land previously deforested.”?

Unfortunately a small contingent of people who want to work there seem to think they can dictate the terms of employment to their employer.

By all means, change the business model. The direct effect of that will be the immediate end of both companies.  As always, the virus of unionism sucks the blood out of the host until it collapses.  The virus kills the host.

One of the things I enjoy most about Gawker is how on one hand you have blog posts like this pining for socialist upheaval against dad the man, and on the other hand, multi page thinkpieces about how we’re all loading the dishwasher wrong and how you should feel bad about that, and how brave young people are changing

Nah you ain’t gonna do shit. Writing articles so your billionaire owner can sell ad space gump ass. 

Today’s American leftists, while no doubt a tremendously rage fueled group are lacking in some critical capacities to be able to lead or even participate in any kind of ‘worker violence’. I’m pretty sure the plutocrats are sleeping easy knowing the worst they face is ‘clapping back’ or maybe some angry tweets. No

It’s not the big, bad right side that’s holding workers down. If anything Trump is the first president to go all in on supporting them. It’s the corporations that own the entire left - including Warren, despite her lies - and the non-Trump right.

Demorats are the new fascists, They follow all of the tactics that Hitler brown shirts did.