
I’m sure there are examples of high profits in cars, but really it is a low margin business in most cases.

Well, textbook facism requires the state and business to collaborate to squash dissent and limit rights.

Most millionaires are just middle class people that saved over a few decades, and moved into the upper class as a result.

Maybe in China.

You’d be surprised how rich people can be thrifty when it’s something they care about.

Like it did before?

That will only benefit people who can pay the much higher prices.

That’s a semi-auto.

They’re not illegal.

Replica?  Them’s real.

Chicago is all boarded up right now...and it’s not for him.

It really is heaven.

Money can buy anything.

Considering the cost of those guns, quite possibly. That’s near 6 figures he’s holding.

If one owns a legal M60, the more likely situation is that his mom may live with him, not the other way around.

Any full auto gun is difficult to control.  One that powerful definitely is.

These are legal if you have money.

And you have to have a good bit of money to own any of those.

The Chinese are anything but “woke”.  The Chinese government less so.

Electronic shifters I get.  The extra precision with a tight packed gear-set is a thing.