
“Don’t promote child sex and don’t escort while being a PR agent for a corporation. Is that so hard?”

Stranger things have happened.

I just get pissed at this. I don’t agree with a lot of what these women are saying about video games, but they have the right to say it and I don’t get to shut them down because I don’t agree with them. All that does is validate what they’re saying about us.

No, no real poor assumptions. Women, as a group, lack institutional authority to do anything about their “illogical” hatred of men. When we bring up misogyny, we’re talking about it as an institutional device. So when she, and others like her say that misandry isn’t real, that’s what they’re referring to. Do women

First of all, even if she did what you say she did, she is still being harassed. If you express a controversial opinion, that doesn’t make it okay for people to doxx you and then send death threats and horrible letters to your house.