
Longtime Oregon state rep Betsy Johnson did something similar in 2013. She rear-ended someone, causing serious lasting injuries to them. When she was sued, she claimed legislative immunity.

This is the Cowboys for Trump asshole. Another infantile tough guy with diaper rash.

I swear, Republican politicians are the most immature, baby-brained, morons possible. As a child I used to believe adults were intelligent, mature, rational people that knew better than me and kept society functioning. Now as an adult, I see we have a bunch of elementary schoolers with a massive superiority complex run

The law was originally passed to prevent dirty politicians from using the police to try to prevent lawmakers from doing their jobs and was not originally intended to give all state representatives and senators immunity to do whatever they want.

Honestly, he’s just following Trump’s example...

‘’ I shouldn’t be accused of rape because I was horny when I raped her ‘’

- this guy, if he was a rapist. Probably.

Rules for thee, not for me!

More GOP “Law and order for thee not me” bullshit.

It’s nothing new. Roger Jepsen did it all the time.

That whole cowboy look that a lot of these rural politicians put on is diminishing in my opinion.  You look stupid pandering. 

I thought they were ‘tough on crime’ ...oh wait

As fucked up as it is, there are laws that do exempt state legislators from being cited for speeding during legislative sessions.

nice hat

Are you sure he wasn’t claiming that he’s immune from the law because he’s a Republican?

above the law but not above ordering you around

Deplorable being deplorable

LOL he believes he is above the law. Who the fuck does he think he is, the current president of the United States?

Party of Law, Order, and Hypocrisy. They are such digesting people and it is sad that this is not surprising in any way.

Are we ready to fire up the hypocrisy machine? Friday seems like a good time to do that.

The modern Republican party: personal responsibility for everyone except ourselves!