
A proposal to address the “Karen calls the cops” issue. After your first “call about a cookout” you have to have a credit/debit card on file with your local police. For every call after that re: a non-violent, unsubstantiated, no one is actively breaking into YOUR house with a weapon...$50 is automatically taken from

Pretty much pussies. I'm here and I live in snow country, and it is simply because most drivers here are uneducated on how to drive to begin with. A lot here actually believe they NEED not only a SUV but the largest one they can get just in case they need to haul an entire dead cow and 8 passengers at the same time.

Well you know that old saying.


@AngelasAshtray: I did meet one that was too big...when he undressed it was like unfurling a firehose in girth and length. Only about half fitted in and I had to concentrate so hard on my breathing so as not to be impaled to death it felt more like yoga than sex...