Kevin Baker

Also protecting agriculture--there’s extremely fertile land in the Sacramento Delta that would be ruined if the water became too brackish.

I think there are some in the background, but it’s hard to tell with motion blur and shallow depth of field.

The difference in budget between the higher end of the AAA and the lower end has gotten large enough to make the term less useful then it once was, but I’ve never met anyone in the industry who doesn’t consider a forty million dollar budget AAA.

The comic book reasons have always been transparently flimsy, and the art in the comic books has been trending towards a bulkier design than what we see here.

Game design is absolutely a specific job. There are dozens of designers working at the studio with me. Most are further specialized, level designers or system designers or so on, but they’re definitely all designers. You might be thinking game developer, which is just a catch all term for everyone who works in games.

That last paragraph is the most important one. Speaking as a professional in the industry, there are very few, possibly zero, degrees in game design I’d feel comfortable recommending to a student. Getting into the industry in general is extremely hard, and design in particular suffers from a brutal “need experience to

Getting a card at MSRP now requires just a little bit of patience and luck, as opposed to a massive amount. You can’t log on to Amazon and grab one whenever, but it doesn’t take that long.

As long as it’s an airport and airline that flies internationally, I doubt the flight attendants are checking your itinerary.

A few million years, not a few thousand, judging by how long it took to recover from previous mass extinction events.

Why do you keep repeating the line “Majority of stocks are down 60%”? It’s just objectively wrong. While it’s true that the S&P 500 only shows large companies, small cap funds aren’t down by anywhere close to sixty percent either. Russell 2000 Index, for example, is down 23 percent compared to six months ago.

And yeah,

When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like an assault. Homophobes are used to Disney pandering to them, and are outraged now that they’re not doing so quite as much.

It’s possible that average prices have dropped because a bunch of new small condos are being constructed. The actual price of any given home is still trending up, but the average sale price of all homes is going down.

The trick to living happily in LA is to accept that you’ll spend most of your time in one chunk of the city, and treats drive across the city like you would inter-city trips in other parts of the country.

All of these seem like just small population states, as opposed to states especially off the beaten path of tourists. You’re not gonna feel like you’re on the road less traveled at Yellowstone or Glacier during the summer.

While I’ve never seen a structured advancement path that lead out of QA, I’d guess a third of the production and design team, along with a few artists and programmers, at Volition started in QA.

Honestly, with the exception of the last couple, those prices seem pretty damn reasonable. I’m not big on public proposals, but if your partner is a sports fan who loves being the center attention and you’re very, very sure they’ll say yes it could be money well spent.

Florida only went to Trump by two points in 2016 and four in 2020. Writing it off as a swing state feels extremely premature.

Reedy Creek only has five legal residents, all of whom are chosen by Disney. Celebration, Florida isn’t part of Reedy Creek for exactly that reason.

If DeSantis does end up on the 2024 ticket, as is obviously his goal, he has a rather strong incentive not to have seriously pissed off several million people in one of the most important swing states.

I mean I understand the reflexive dislike of anything from Meta, but that seems like a perfectly respectable lineup. Moss II in particular is exciting.