If you’re underwhelmed by losing fifteen pounds through an exercise program, you had unrealistic expectations going in. Fifteen pounds is great.
If you’re underwhelmed by losing fifteen pounds through an exercise program, you had unrealistic expectations going in. Fifteen pounds is great.
While there are no lasting alliances between the factions in 40k, there’s still diplomacy. Groups tentatively agree not to murder each other for a little bit, so that they can focus on murdering other people. Which is how diplomacy normally ends up working in most 4x games anyways.
Solo’s cinematography was solid, but wasn’t impressed by any of the designs. Everything kinda looked like they just ran with the first idea that crossed the designer’s mind.
Solo’s cinematography was solid, but wasn’t impressed by any of the designs. Everything kinda looked like they just ran with the first idea that crossed the designer’s mind.
Is it vital to you that it be fantasy? Both the Company of Heroes and Dawn of War series feel mechanically pretty similar to Battle of Middle Earth.
Also be aware that the options might not be well publicized. In the Bay Area, for example, you can only pay for up to twenty four hours of parking at BART stations, but you can pay online for multiple days.
On the flip side, if you can save ten percent starting at age 22 and keep it steady there, you’ll end up with roughly the same amount of money, and have ten percent more disposable income most of your adult life.
I feel like the takeaway here is less that Whole Foods can have good deals, but that Safeway is nearly as badly overpriced (at least on non-sale items).
So I don’t deny that they look strikingly similar, but I don’t have a hard time believing it’s a case of convergent evolution. Making a utility ship look like a forklift is an obvious design decision, as is painting it construction-machine yellow.
It’s worth making explicit that said list is (very gentle, very affectionate) satire.
People being tracked down and murdered after giving someone their number is very, very rare. Guys being obnoxious and refusing to accept no as an answer is very, very common.
In this day and age, where most people have the area code of wherever they lived in 2007, I don’t think anyone would question having a non-local area code.
The three biggest factors, by far, are avoiding radioactivity, having good genes, and dieing young of something other than cancer. Those are of limited practical use for most people, though.
I would say that Mercer’s voice acting is an utterly essential part of him being a fun DM to watch on a stream, but a very secondary part of him being a good DM to actually play with.
Multi-vitamins are cheap and have basically no side effects, which means doctors are slow to revise their recommendations concerning them even though the evidence for their efficacy is increasingly dubious.
The owners, as individuals, may still donate to anti-LGBT groups, but the company no longer directly supports such groups.
As best I can tell, it’s a list of “Which state has the best 529 plan for its residents”. Which is of extremely limited practical use for most people.
Laws don’t dictate morality, but they do express it. The reason such laws exists is that lawmakers believed such laws were just. There’s a conflict between protecting abstract property rights and minimizing the very real harm caused by evicting families from their homes, and squatters’ rights are legislator’s best…
You say based on your exhaustive knowledge of every YouTuber on the planet?
A lot of YouTubers make two minutes of great content, buffered by thirty seconds of fluff on both sides.