
Bring The Noise is the biggest loss, and the most important and iconic track from the original.

Bring The Noise is a HUGE, SUBSTANTIAL loss. It’s pretty much THE stand out song from the original.

Bullshit. Most of these songs aren’t even that good. The ONLY real loss is Bring The Noise. The rest are just bad and they won’t be missed.

That may be true, but it’s still pathetic. It’s like playing checkers with yourself and cheating. You set the entire board up, you controlling the red player and the black piece player at the same time, and then cheat so that you win. Even though you were playing both players by yourself and you were still going to

Oh god, grow up. The Epic Games store hate is stupid and died out at least a year ago.

I almost got fooled into taking your comment seriously, until you completly missed the point of Night In The Woods and prove you didn’t actually understand anything in that game. Nice try, but you’ve failed.

Look... while I generally agree with you... and whole Call Of Duty is not even close to my favorite genre of game... have you ever even played one or know anything about the series?

ALL wasps and hornets need to die. They should all be killed on site.

He is absolutely 100% correct. Everyone is a fucking MORON for buying into this quarantine garbage. The entire nation has been gripped by ridiculous paranoia and fearmongering over exaggerated bullshit. And the US government has jumped onto this as a way to use an over-glorified flu-bug to tap into some scaremongering

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Fuck you for that completely unnecessary dig at the FF7 Remake. That was ignorant, wrongheadded, stupid and 100% uncalled for.

I completly agree. FF7 Remake was great, and the “padding” and “filler” as it’s being unfairly called, I thought was all great. It expanded the world and felt true to the lore and world, and I appreciated every second of it.

No Mercy on N64 has always and will always be overrated garbage. The series has been objectively superior to it since Here Comes The Pain on PS2, with the best game in the series actually being WWE ‘13. The series may have been downhill from there, but the N64 games SUCKED.

I’m sick of the anti-Tom Nook garbage everyone’s always trying way too hard to peddle.

AVGN covered any of this better than anyone else has.

Thank god.

Kotaku’s continued coverage of Animal Crossing New Horizons is BEYOND pathetic.

I’m really tired of, and annoyed by these constantly cynical articles on Kotaku about Animal Crossing as if this hipsterish cynicism on every goddamn article about this game, like twice a day, is supposed to be funny or something.

More shitty excuses given by unreputable companies using an overblown and overexaggerated “pandemic” to justify screwing people over and being lazy.

I think it’s great.