
He literally doesn’t get it. Any of it.

This is quite possibly the most garbage article on Kotaku. Ever.

I hate and despise Trump. I vehemetly oppose him and everything he stands for...

This is a stupid decicion and they’re stupid for making it.

Oh joy. More fake news bullshit about an overblown, over-exaggerated flu-bug.


haha. It’s funny because it’s stupid.

You lost me at “defending Final Fantasy XIII”

I guess you and I are the only people with common sense, here.

In his own home. Conviently forgetting this part, aren’t we?

True or not, being a dipshit is not a criminal or hurtful act.

I’m REALLY sick of people using an overexaggerated non-issue like this corona virus crap as an excuse to be lazy or stupid. This whole thing is idiotic. This is barely even a real thing, and everyone’s treating it like a zombie outbreak. This is ridiculous. It’s about as overblown as that dumb swine flu thing from a

I will never understand the appeal of the entertainment value of this series.

And what’s wrong with THAT? If I had the money to buy this thing, it would sit on my shelf like a fucking trophy and I wouldn’t give a FUCK what any of you people say or if you don’t like it.

No, Byleth is a great addition to Smash. Fire Emblem is a good series. And Sakurai is not responsible for the blubbering and crying of a bunch of selfish, whiny, entitled, disrespectful, ignorant little shits.

For people that demand that justice be done, yes.

So far I have seen nothing but scumbags, assholes and trolls.

You are fucking scum.

I wish everyone like you were committing suicide, instead. That way, the victims would actually get the help and compassion they deserve and the bullies and scum of the world like you would no longer be there to victimize and hurt them.

Bye, douchebag.