
8Bitdo is trash.


Not bad for a game with a 4/10 Metacritic User score.

You people are whining over nothing. The rest of the game will probably be DLC released later down the line within the next year or so. Which.. would then pretty much make it like every other game out right now.

You people are whining over nothing. The rest of the game will probably be DLC released later down the line within the next year or so. Which.. would then pretty much make it like every other game out right now.

Or... you know... maybe the rest is DLC for this game? Which basically makes it like every other game released right now?

Have you.... maybe.... considered that the future parts of the game will be released via DLC? In which case... it’s not “misleading” at all. It would then be pretty much... literally every single other game being released right now.

I find it hilarious how people are surprised by this, yet it’s almost exactly like a joke that Spongebob’s direct predecessor, Ren and Stimpy would have done 20 years ago.

It’s the only thing I know her for, and i’ve never seen any of those movies. And neither have most people you will ever ask.

And you get a star simply because you speak the truth.

I feel like you’re missing the point.

“Please keep in mind that this game is untitled. It’s an Untitled Goose Game. No title.”

You are wrong.

He doesn’t need to. He just needs to be a decent human being who is right.

Ok, the immediate thing i’m taking from just looking at these godawful, soul-bleaching screenshots is that this is yet another sad offender in the long list of modern adult animated shows with some of the worst, most horrific, eye-bleeding, disgustingly hideous character designs and artwork imaginable.

I WAS going to make a joke about “I guess Twitch is just banning streamers for being a woman, now.” but then the Spongebob thing came up and I was like “wut”?

To embarass her in front of everyone?

I think you people are vastly overestimating how important “rumble” is.

Seeing as the game has a solid 7 out of 10 on Metacritic, pardon me if I write off your review as biased, whiny horseshit.

Yes, because that’s exactly what it was. Who gives a fuck what he does “next” when it’s clear what he’s done here, paints the entire picture already.