So are you actually retarded or just pretending to be for humor?
So are you actually retarded or just pretending to be for humor?
Keep drinking that kool-aid.
What’s confusing? Neo-nazi does neo-nazi things.
Cool. Way to make it about you.
It’s because no one was buying his bullshit PR stunt. Everyone was rightfully calling him out on exactly what it was, and when he realized it wasn’t working in his favor and no one was buying his smokescreen to fool people into thinking he wasn’t a neo-nazi, he just gave up the facade. Easy to understand.
Yes. You were an idiot for having any faith in him at all.
You’re overthinking it.
It’s becuase it was nothing but an insincere publicity stunt and when people continued to rightfully see that’s all it was, her just gave up the charade and admitted he’s a liar and an alt-righter.
Or maybe it’s just because we were right and he was insincere after all?
I knew he was lying.
Your garbage teir list is exactly the kind of thing that makes sites like Kotaku widely regarded as a laughing stock of “pretend journalism”
And ToeJam and Earl, Earthworm Jim and Wily Wars being C-teir is just straight up trolling and lying.
“make amends for his past bevarior”
Don’t believe it.
Look, as a left-leaning person myself with a deep hatred of Trump and considers myself an LGBT alley even I feel like I should tell you that incredibly ridiculous articles like this are why people generally consider this blog little more than an SJW echo chamber.
Today on “People who miss the point”.
Well, you are a worthless attempt at a human being.
And yet people give Dave Chappelle praise for being a much worse bigot and asshole and make excuses for him becuase it’s in the name of “comedy”.