
And you know, here’s the REALLY funny thing. Donald Trump in all his horrible, stupid, awfulness got a bunch of stupid people on his side becuase he rattles off every horrible, offensive, disgusting thing that crosses his mind.

It is astonishing to me, the number of people who will openly champion and defend Dave Chappelle for his bigoted, racist, mean-spirited, hate-mongering, unfunny garbage “comedy” because he openly bullies every marginalized and victimized group under the sun, with this special that is solely made to spread his hateful,

Yes. That’s what it is. And not just Kotaku writers being generally untalented and unprofessional at their job. Again.

Another self-indulgent piece of crap article that is a desperate cry of help from a ridiculous author screaming about how woke they are to a room full of absolutely no one, using a perfectly fine 90's sitcom to throw under the bus to do so, with no reasons actually given, other than the self-indulgent screaming of

Maybe you just need to get over yourself and learn to appreciate it?

I hate to say it, but given that his video is apparently overflowing with likes, you’re kinda wrong there.

Ah yes, the “I did nothing so can we all just get past this and get back to giving me money and attention again?” defense.

That’s pretty condescendingly ignorant of you.

You’re mistaking Kotaku writers for “journalists” again, and not whiny little mental 8-year old brats crying about first-world problems on what amounts to a shitty personal blog and calling it “news”

First of all it was Blue Dragon. Second of all, fuck you that song was glorious and was the best goddamn thing about it.

What a load of bullshit. There was absoutely nothing wrong with the music in this game. It was fine. You’re crying like a whiny little child over basically nothing. Grow up.

I love how so many of you people are skipping over the completely obvious possiblity that it’s supposed to be Shujinko. Which would make sense why they’re trying to keep it a secret.

Or, you know, maybe it’s supposed to be Shujinko and just like in the MK game he comes from that’s supposed to be a plot twist?

It DOES make sense if he’s supposed to be the character Shujinko and just like in the game Shijkunko comes from, his identity is supposed to a surprise reveal in the movie.


Don’t forget “soyboy”. Literally one of the dumbest sounding insults of all time, and these people actually think that makes them sound edgy and cool.

Welp. You just invalidated your own right to an opinion. Least of all, still using the term “SJW” unironically in 2019.

I love how you seem to have no idea how close you really are to the “if she didn’t wanna get raped, she shouldn’t have been wearing a short skirt” ideology.

You mean like how you getting rightfully mocked and shut-down by the many comments responding to your garbage opinion wouldn’t have happened if you had shut up, clicked on something else and spared us your moronic drivel?

I deeply wish that all of you self-rightously obnoxious and disgustingly awful contrarian hipsters would all get a heart-attack at the same time and rid us all of your worthless presence.